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Equivalence (Masters and PhD's)

Os alunos matriculados no ISEG podem efetuar os pedidos de creditação a unidades curriculares efetuadas internamente ou em outro(s) estabelecimento(s) de ensino (devem ser requeridos com a documentação necessária).

Requests for accreditation can only be submitted upon admission to a given study cycle, within the established deadlines (see important deadlines).

As creditações às unidades curriculares são atribuídas pelo Conselho Científico por proposta da Comissão Coordenadora do Mestrado ou Doutoramento, de acordo com o Regulamento de Creditação do ISEG.

The granting of accreditation will only be analyzed by the Commission in relation to curricular units whose successful completion and syllabus contents are documented by the candidates at the time of application (no accreditation will be granted to subjects/curricular units completed by accreditation).

Após a análise da creditação a disciplinas/unidades curriculares efetuada noutro estabelecimento e/ou curso, é atualizada a inscrição do estudante, visto que no ato da matrícula e/ou inscrição os estudantes são inscritos no 1º ano curricular.

  • According to ISEG's Academic Training Credit Regulations, training obtained in courses that do not confer an academic degree (in the case of the Postgraduate course) may be credited at 1/3 of the credits of the Master's course.
  • In accordance with article 16 of ISEG's tuition fee regulations, students who have obtained accreditation for training outside ISEG will keep the established tuition fee and there will be no reduction in the amount.

Documentation to be submitted

Completed accreditation application (printed here).

Authenticated certificate of the curricular units passed in a higher education course (Portuguese or foreign) of the course and establishment of origin, with a breakdown of the national classification obtained, semester or annual regime, credits.

Certificate of syllabus contents, indicating the credits and workloads of the curricular units taken in higher education, duly authenticated by the institution of origin.

Late payments

Requests for accreditation are subject to the payment of a (non-refundable) fee corresponding to the curricular units for which accreditation is requested:

  1. Up to 5 curricular units - 25€ for each curricular unit;
  2. More than 5 curricular units - 125€ (maximum fee).