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Equivalence (Undergraduates)

External equivalence

Students enrolled at ISEG can apply for equivalence of credit for curricular units taken at other educational establishment(s) (must be requested with the necessary documentation).

Requests for accreditation can only be submitted upon admission to a given study cycle, within the established deadlines (see important deadlines).

Credits for curricular units are awarded by the Scientific Council on the proposal of the Accreditation Committee, appointed by the ISEG Scientific Council.

The granting of accreditation will only be analyzed by the Commission in relation to curricular units whose successful completion and syllabus contents are documented by the candidates at the time of application (no accreditation will be granted to subjects/curricular units completed by accreditation).

Once the accreditation of subjects/curricular units taken at another establishment and/or course has been analyzed, the student's enrolment is updated, since at the time of enrolment and/or registration students are enrolled in the 1st curricular year. The curricular year in which students are subsequently placed is proposed by the Accreditation Committee, according to the credits awarded and the transition and precedence rules in force for each course.

At the student's request, credit may be given for training and professional experience obtained, to be considered in the group of electives and up to a maximum of 15% of the total number of credits required to obtain the degree or diploma, within the time limits indicated above. 

Internal Equivalence

Credits for compulsory curricular units to be granted automatically when a change of course is authorized are as follows:

Documentation to be submitted

Completed accreditation application (printed here).

Authenticated certificate of the curricular units passed in a higher education course (Portuguese or foreign) of the course and establishment of origin, with a breakdown of the national classification obtained, semester or annual regime, credits.

Certificate of syllabus contents, indicating the credits and workloads of the curricular units taken in higher education, duly authenticated by the institution of origin.

Late payments

Requests for accreditation are subject to the payment of a (non-refundable) fee corresponding to the curricular units for which accreditation is requested:

  1. Up to 5 curricular units - 25€ for each curricular unit;
  2. More than 5 curricular units - 125€ (maximum fee).

Applications for accreditation of training and professional experience are subject to a 50€ fee.

ISEG Equivalence Regulations - Here