Please be advised that registration renewals for the 2023/2024 academic year for Master's degrees will take place on the following dates:
Enrollment in Curricular Units and MFW:
Enrollmen Deadline: 22 (10h00 am) to 29 July (11h59 pm)
How: Fenix Portal > Student tab > left side menu "Enroll" > option "Enrollment processes" > Click on "Start process"
More information here.
Warning: As a master's student with 90 ECTS, we warn you that, if you have more than one repeating curricular unit of the 2nd semester 1st year, you will not be able to submit the MFW within the stipulated deadlines (here).
In this situation, when registering for 24/25, which takes place between the 22nd and 29th of July, you can choose one of the following options:
- Register for the repeating course(s) from the 1st year and pay the repeating course fee;
- The value of the courses is calculated as follows: No. of ECTS enrolled in UC/No. of ECTS for the year of the course x Tuition fee for the year of the course + Repetition fee
- Register for the repeating UC(s) (1st year 2nd semester) + 2nd year The amount payable is the tuition fee for the 2nd year + the repeating UC(s).
- In this situation, the MFW cannot be submitted by the stipulated deadline, and you must then request an extension via Fenix by March 15th, in order to be able to submit the MFW by June 30th.
- The amount payable for this option will be the repeat tuition fee + the whole of the 2nd year + €500 for the MFW extension
Note: if you only repeat 1st semester curricular unitsif the exams were taken before the date of delivery, this situation does not apply.
Important notes:
- The timetable can be consulted on the Fenix Portal, under the "Personnel" tab, "Services" > "calendar".
- You should keep an eye on institutional emailThis is the way in which ISEG communicates with its students. We do not guarantee a response to emails sent via other accounts.
- You can consult the dates for payment of fees here. The amounts to be paid for each installment and the bank references can be consulted on the Fenix portal at: > "student" tab > "View Account". The deadline for payment of the next installment is September 30th. In this menu you can also check your receipts and invoices.
- You can also consult the document "Important Deadlines", where you will find all the dates for payments, registrations, among others, stressing the importance of complying with them in order to avoid costs associated with non-compliance.