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National Contest

Applications for the courses take place as part of a national competition organized by the Directorate General for Higher Education.

It takes place at the end of the school year and is organized into three phases.

How to apply for higher education through the National Competition?

Before you can apply on the DGES website, you need to have your password.

After confirming the requirements and choosing the application stage you want to apply for higher education in, you must:

  1. access the DGES Online Application platform
  2. Complete and submit the online form

You can also check the application results on the Online Application platform.

What needs to apply for higher education through the National Competition?

To apply, you will need:

  • from the ENES (National Examinations for Higher Education) form
  • authenticate themselves on the application platform using one of the following methods:
    • access password
    • Digital Mobile Key
    • ID card, with PIN codes and a card reader.
      ENES file

This is a document issued by the secondary school, which contains the student's final classification in secondary school and the grades they obtained in the entrance exams.

The ENES form can be picked up at the school, or sent by email, according to information from the school itself.

The form also contains an activation code that you will need to enter during the online application. Without this code it is not possible to proceed with the application. Password to access the application platform

The password is only valid for the year in which you request it. Each year you want to apply, you have to request a new password. Here's how to request a password for your higher education application. To authenticate with your ID card, you will need to have it with you:

  • your ID card
  • the card's authentication PIN, which is provided in the PIN letter that is sent to your home when you take out your citizen's card
  • a smartcard reader
  • The plug-in installed

Quotas by Phases

In the 1st phase of the national competition, the places set for each course at each higher education institution are distributed between a general quota and priority quotas: priority quotas:

  • Applicants from the Azores
  • Applicants from Madeira
  • Portuguese emigrant applicants, family members and Lusodescendants
  • Military applicants on contract
  • Applicants with disabilities
  • Applicants benefiting from School Social Action

In the 2nd phase of the national competition, the vacancies set for each course at each higher education institution are distributed between a general quota and two priority quotas:

  • Applicants with disabilities
  • Emigrant applicants, family members and Lusodescendants.

In the 3rd phase of the national competition, the vacancies set for each course at each higher education institution are distributed among a single quota. 

Access Conditions

1. have passed a secondary education course or legally equivalent qualification.

2. Have taken the entrance exams required for each course and have a grade equal to or higher than the minimum grade, which in the case of ISEG is 95, on a scale of 0 to 200.

The entrance exams required for the Economics, Management and Finance degrees, taught in Portuguese or English, are:

  • Mathematics A [19] + Portuguese [18] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Economics [04] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Physics and Chemistry [07] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Geography [09] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + English [13] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Biology and Geology [02]

The entrance exams required for the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics for Economics and Management (taught in Portuguese or English) are:

  • Mathematics A [19] + Portuguese [18] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Economics [04] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Physics and Chemistry [07] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Geography [09] or
  • Mathematics A [19] + Biology and Geology [02]

Under the terms of Resolution no. 1233/2014 of the National Commission for Access to Higher Education, the national final exams are valid as entrance exams in the year in which they are taken and in the following two years. From 2022 onwards, the exams will be valid in the year they are taken and for the following four years, according to. CNAES deliberation no. 1043/2021of 13/10.

3. Have an application score of 100 or more, on a scale of 0 to 200. The application grade for ISEG courses is calculated based on the following weighting:

  • Secondary school final classification: with a weight of 50%;
  • Classification of entrance exams: with a weight of 50% (30% for the Mathematics A exam and 20% for another fixed exam applies to all Bachelor's degree courses).

Number of places

  • [9081] Economics - 132 vacancies
  • [A006] Economics (taught in English) - 30 places
  • [A013] Finance (teaching in English) - 32 vacancies
  • [9147] Management - 137 vacancies
  • [A001] Management (teaching in English) - 60 places
  • [9210] Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management (MAEG) - 60 places (30 for the course taught in Portuguese and 30 for the course taught in English)

Last places: School Year 2024/2025

Course CodeCourse 1st PHASE
(last place)
2nd phase
(last place)
A006Economics (EN)171,0172.3
A013Finance (EN)166,0169.0
A001Management (EN)173,5172.5

For more information, please consult the Office for Attendance and Reception of Applications to Higher Education at ULisboa and/or the page of Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES) (Access to Higher Education).

  • For information on replacing entrance exams with foreign exams, please see here.
  • How to apply for Access to Higher Education? See here.