Assessment Tests for Over 23s - 2025/2026
The Decree-Law 64/2006The Law on Access to Higher Education, of March 21, which approves the special conditions for access and admission to higher education for those over 23 years of age, covers candidates over 23 years of age, regardless of the academic qualifications they hold, as long as they do not hold the access qualification.
An access qualification should be understood as being the holder of a secondary education course or a legally equivalent qualification and having taken the test of ability to attend higher education, which is achieved by passing the entrance exams (the 12th grade or equivalent alone cannot be considered an access qualification to higher education).
Access conditions:
You must be 23 years old by December 31st of the year prior to the exams;
Do not have a specific access qualification (a "specific access qualification" is understood to mean students who have passed the subjects required for access to ISEG degrees in the national higher education entrance exams).
Online application → May 2 to 15, 2025
Required documents
The application is made online and you must upload the following documents:
- Declaration of honor (here)
- Photography
- Copy of identity card/citizen card or passport
- Copy of tax identification card
- School and professional curricula (we suggest the Europasse).
- Certificate of qualifications
- Summary of the reasons for your application (100 to 300 words)
- Certificate of Length of Residence in Portugal issued by AIMA, if the candidate is not a national of a Member State of the European Union.
Portuguese degrees | Places |
Economics | 10 |
Management | 10 |
MAEG | 4 |
Degree in English | Places |
Finance | 3 |
Economics | 2 |
Management | 5 |
The degrees at ISEG are taught during daytime hours
Late payments
- Race registration - 60 euros
- Request for re-examination of tests - 50 euros
- Certificate of test results - 20 euros
- Successful candidates (test on 19/05/2025) a) - 60 euros
Important deadlines
Activity | Period |
Registration Deadline for the Tests | May 2-15, 2025 |
Test date * | May 19, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. * |
Posting of test results | June 11, 2025 |
Request for re-examination of tests | June 11-13, 2025 |
Posting of results of re-examination tests | June 20th, 2025 |
Application of successful candidates a) | June 23-26, 2025 |
* Room 001 - Floor 0 - Ed. Francesinhas 1 - ISEG (Rua das Francesinhas s/n)
a) Candidates with a positive grade after the publication of the results, wishing to apply for places on ISEG courses, must apply by the deadlines set for this purpose, subject to the established fees.
Tests 3 years ago
Areas of Study and Bibliography
Scientific AreaManagement
Topics: Any elements of General Culture
Bibliography: SOUSA, António, (1990), Introdução à Gestão, Uma abordagem Sistémica, Verbo.
Scientific Area: Economic History
Themes: Post-World War II economic growth; Second Globalization; Crises.
Bibliography: Nunes, Ana Bela; Valério, Nuno (2004), História de Economia Mundial Contemporânea, Editorial Presença, Lisbon.
Scientific Area: International Economy
Bibliography: Appleyard , D., Field, A. and Cobb, S. (2010) Economia Internacional , McGraw Hill, AMG Editora Ltda. Sao Paulo.
Krugman, P. (2012) End This Crisis Now. Editorial Presença, Lisbon.
Scientific Area: Mathematics.
Topics: Functions and sequences; Differential calculus; Probabilities and statistics.
Bibliographic support: Textbooks containing the Mathematics A syllabus for secondary education (10th, 11th and 12th grades).
Tuition Fees
Payment of tuition fees to be paid:
- Administrative Acts - 50 euros;
- School Insurance + Tuition 1st Instalment - 159,10 Euros
Full payment of 209.10 Euros referring to Administrative Acts (50,00 Euros) + School Insurance (2,10 Euros) + 1st Instalment of Tuition Fees (157,00 Euros) must be paid. up to 5 days after registration.
Open Day and Workshops Over 23 - ULisboa see here