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University degree holders

Degree Courses - Academic Year 2024/2025

Special access competition for university graduates

For the special access competition for holders of secondary and higher education courses, holders of a higher education, secondary or post-secondary course, namely a bachelor's degree, a licentiate degree, a master's degree, a doctorate or holders of a technological specialization diploma and holders of a professional higher technician diploma can apply (Decree-Law 113/2014, of July 16).

International students cannot access through this system.

Online application

Online applications: July 1-19, 2024

If you are an ISEG student or alumnus, you should log on to the ISEG website (top right), update your personal details and then apply by following the steps below:

Candidate > Application > Degree holder > Create 


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Each candidate can submit more than one application, provided they meet the entry requirements for the chosen study cycles, and they pay the respective fee for each application submitted.

Late payments 

Application fee of 60.00 euros (non-refundable)

  • For students living in Portugal, the application fee is paid by an ATM reference automatically generated when the application is submitted. If you do not pay the fee on time, your application will not be validated.
  • Students living abroad can pay by credit card or MBWay.
  • Applications that are not accompanied by all the documents requested and the application fee paid will be rejected outright, and there is no right to a refund of the fee for incomplete applications.

Important deadlines

  • Applications:July 1-19, 2024
  • Announcement of placement results: July 26, 2024 (subject to confirmation)
  • Registration (online): July 29-31, 2024 (subject to confirmation)

If the selected candidates do not enroll or withdraw within the time limit set for enrollment/registration, they lose their right to the place, in which case the vacant places will be allocated to the next candidate on the list resulting from the applicable selection criteria who was not placed due to a lack of vacancy. Lists of alternates can be consulted on the ISEG website.

a) Placement results and enrollment dates, by course, can be found at ISEG website

Grading Criteria

Candidates will be ranked by successive application of the following criteria a):

  • 1º Hold a university degree;
  • 2nd Priority to ISEG graduates;
  • 3rd Best classification in the course that qualifies them for admission.


  • Candidates for each course will be placed in descending order on the list resulting from the application of the selection criteria set out above.
  • Placement is only valid for enrolment and registration in the academic year for which the application is made;

Required documents

  • Photo;
  • Photocopy of Citizen Card/Identity Card a) or the identity document of the EU Member State from which the applicant comes, or a passport with a study visa or, where applicable, a certificate of temporary residence. b) or permanent;
  • Photocopy of Tax Identification Number (NIF) - not applicable to those who have submitted a citizen's card or foreign students;
  • Certificate proving that you hold a national higher education degree or equivalence to a national higher education degree with the respective final classification c) and e); c) and e);
  • Authenticated certificate of the curricular units passed in a higher education course (Portuguese or foreign), of the course and establishment of origin, with a breakdown of the national classification obtained, semester or annual regime, credits and ECTS classification according to the European scale of comparability c); c);
  • Syllabus of the course of origin, syllabus and workload of the subjects taken (not applicable to ISEG students and only necessary if you are placed and wish to request accreditation within the deadlines set for this purpose).


a) With your consent. If you do not wish to upload of the identification document must present this document to validate the data in person at the Department of Undergraduate Studies within the time limit of fixed schedule. In this case, you must submit a declaration in the identification document field stating that you will validate the identification document with the in-person service;

b) Students with temporary residence must submit the Certificate of Counting Time of Residence in Portugal issued by SEF;

c) For foreign students, the documents indicated must be certified by the Portuguese consular service or presented with the Hague Apostille and issued by the legally competent authority of the State from which the document originates (Official Education Services). If the documents are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, they must be translated into one of these languages;

Errors or omissions made when filling in the electronic application form are the sole responsibility of the applicant.

e) Brazilian candidates with Portuguese nationality:

When the candidate is a course holder in the Brazilian high school system, and has passed the National High School Exam (ENEM), held in the calendar year or three calendar years prior to the application, provided that they have obtained a score of not less than 700 points, determined by weighting the scores in the knowledge areas of Mathematics and its Technologies - 80% and Writing - 20%. The minimum score is 140 (converted to Portuguese).

Enrollment / Registration

Enrollment/registration takes place online from July 29 (at 10 a.m.) to July 31, 2024, and you must log in at:

Fenix Portal > "Applicant" tab > in the application click on Detail > "Enroll" option.

Then click > "Student" tab > left side menu "Enroll" > option "Enrollment processes" > Click on "Start process"

You must fill in the missing fields and proceed step by step until the process is complete. In the final step, after selecting the "confirm registration" button, the "proof of registration" document is generated.

Only after clicking the "Finish" button is the registration process complete.

Enrollment fees: At the end of enrollment, a receipt will be provided indicating the tuition fees and bank references.

The amounts to be paid for each installment and the bank references can be consulted on the Fenix portal at: > "student" tab > "View Account".

Payment of fees to be paid:

Administrative acts - 50 euros;

School insurance + Tuition fee 1st installment - 159.10 euros;

Total payment of 209.10 Euros for administrative acts (50.00 Euros) + school insurance (2.10 Euros) + 1st tuition fee installment (157 Euros) must be made up to 5 days after registration.

Students applying for SAS (Social Action Services) scholarships are exempt from paying tuition fees at the time of enrollment, upon presentation of proof of application for the SAS scholarship or a declaration of honor, which must be sent by email to .

However, you must pay the school insurance and administrative fees.

Legislation and Regulations

Any questions can be answered by the Undergraduate Secretariat via email or telephone 213925800 (Monday to Friday - 2pm to 4pm)