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Combatants and Sons

Combatants in Military Operations and their Children

The following are covered students who have been covered by Article 1(1) of the Decree-Law 358/70, of July 29th.

The status is obtained by submitting an annual document issued by the competent services of the Ministry of National Defense to the Undergraduate Degrees Office at the time of registration, in the following terms:

  1. Declaration issued by the Unit, Establishment or Military Body, in accordance with the models attached to Ministerial Order no. 445/71, of August 20, attesting to the combatant status with the specifications referred to in no. 1 of Decree-Law no. 358/70, of July 29, and in no. 3 of the aforementioned Ministerial Order;
  2. Tax domicile certificates issued by the Directorate General of Finance / Tax Office of the area of residence, one in the student's name and the other in the name of his/her father (or mother in the event of the father's death).

Declarations issued by parish councils or any other body other than the Directorate-General for Finance are not accepted to certify the residence of students and parents. Students registering and enrolling for the first time in the 1st year are given a maximum of 15 consecutive days to complete the process.

The files will then be sent by the degree secretariat to the Ministry of Defense, accompanied by a declaration of formality, issued by the ISEG and bearing a white seal, stating that the other requirements for receiving the tuition fee subsidy have been met, namely that established in no. 8 of Ministerial Order no. 445/71, of August 20. However, the Ministry of Defense's decision requires:

  1. that the documents are delivered in original;
  2. declarations must be annual, and those obtained or submitted in previous school years are not valid;
  3. Under these terms, all files that do not contain the elements indicated and are not documented as stipulated in the previous paragraphs will be returned to the schools.

According to the same decision, the criterion for assessing "good school behavior" - a requirement laid down in Decree-Law no. 358/70 of July 29 - is the transition from one year to the next, and students who do not transition from one year to the next are not covered by the subsidy. Students who have already been reimbursed for attending another degree course are not covered by the reimbursement. Only students whose application is duly and fully completed by January 15th of each year will be included on the subsidy lists, because if this does not happen, and for whatever reason, the students will have to pay the full tuition fees, which will not be refundable. The payment due will be made directly by the Ministry of Defense to this Institute's Degree Office.

The perk consists of a financial contribution towards the payment of tuition fees under the terms of Article 35 of Law 37/2003 of August 22, provided that the student is successful (transition year).