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Religious denominations

The following are covered students under the Law 16/2001In the case of students who profess recognized religious denominations that sanctify a day of the week other than Sunday, which does not allow them to take exams on certain days of the week, they may request to be excused from classes or to take exams on another day of the week.

The status is obtained by submitting a declaration signed by the entity responsible for the religious confession to the Undergraduate Degrees Office by the end of September of the year in which they are entering.

The benefits consist of:

  • The possibility of taking exams in the following special season, for curricular units whose assessment times coincide with days sanctified by the respective religious confession, even if such exams are not scheduled, up to a maximum of four exams.
  • If there is a coincidence in more than one assessment period for the same curricular unit: i) the student will be able to choose which of the calls they want to transfer to the Special Period, in accordance with the regulations above, and which one(s) they want to make in accordance with the regulations below; ii) it will be up to the respective team to guarantee the student an alternative call, within a period of time that must not exceed 72 hours from the date set for the assessment, upstream or downstream.

You must register online for the special season during the designated period.