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Master's Isolated Course Units

Registration for Isolated Curricular Units

The application to attend 1st and 2nd year Isolated Curricular Units is subject to higher analysis.

In each academic year, the maximum number of isolated curricular units that a candidate can register for cannot exceed a total of 30 ECTS.

Whenever a candidate enrolls in isolated curricular units in several academic years, the maximum number of isolated curricular units in the total of those academic years in which they are enrolled may not exceed 60 ECTS.

The amount to be paid for enrolling and attending Isolated Curricular Units is calculated as follows:

Tuition Fee to be Paid = (No. of ECTS Enrolled in UC / No. of ECTS in Year of Course) x Tuition Fee for Year of Course *

*International or national tuition fees apply depending on the student's nationality.

(In the event of withdrawal, the amounts already paid will not be refunded).

The deadline for applications is posted each year in the important deadlines.

You can also consult the ULisboa Isolated Curricular Units.

Documents to hand in when applying

Application for Enrollment in Single UC's | Extracurricular (here)

Copy of the Certificate of Qualifications

Copy of ID document

Enrollment in a Single Course for ISEG Finalists (Extra-Curricular)

ISEG final-year students who have a maximum of four curricular units remaining to complete their degree may apply to take any curricular unit in the first year of the master's degree. The admission of the application is decided by the president of ISEG, with the opinion of the master's coordinator.

The amount to be paid for registration and attendance in the extracurricular regime is calculated as follows:

Tuition Fee to be Paid = (No. of ECTS Enrolled in UC / No. of ECTS in Year of Course) x Tuition Fee for Year of Course

These curricular units of the master's degrees are considered extracurricular units of the bachelor's degrees, which means that the student who is attending the UC's of the master's degree under this regime is considered a bachelor's degree student even if they are attending UC's of the master's degree.

Note: After finishing your bachelor's degree, you must reapply for the academic year you wish to enter the Master's program.

Successful completion of these curricular units can subsequently be used to apply for accreditation for master's curricular units. (For more information, see article 10 of the Master's Degree Regulations. ISEG Master's Degree Regulations)

The request for accreditation must be accompanied by application for this purpose, as well as the fee for the same and in accordance with the value published in the Diário da República (Official Gazette) - DR N.º150/2014 2nd series of 06-08-2014.

Documents to hand in when applying