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Contract and Volunteer Military Personnel

They are covered:

  • The students defined in article 1 of the Incentive Regulations for the provision of military service under the contract (RC) and volunteer (RV) schemes contained in the Decree-Law no. 320-A/2000, of December 15th
  • Military students who are doing or have done compulsory military service less than two years before the start of the exam season.

The status is obtained by submitting to the Academic Services, at the time of registration, a declaration of military service status issued by the competent authority.

The benefits consist of:

  • Possibility of taking exams in any exam season (as long as they are scheduled), in the subjects in which they are enrolled, when they are prevented from doing so on the dates on which they should take place due to participation in exercises, maneuvers and missions of an operational nature or in direct support of ongoing operations, provided they request this in writing and accompany the request with the respective statement proving the situation;
  • Student Worker Status whenever applicable (military service of 6 months or more).

Students have access to a maximum of 4 exams in the special season, subject to the fees set per course unit.
It is compulsory to apply for the special season by submitting the appropriate application to the degree secretariat during the period designated for this purpose.