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Charter of Student Rights and Duties

Charter of Student Rights and Duties

This document is intended to summarize the legislation and regulations in force at the U. LISBON and ISEG regarding the conduct expected of students at our Institute, briefly describing the student's rights and duties.

Rights according to the Charter of Rights and Guarantees

According to the Charter of Rights and Guarantees, ISEG students have the following rights:

1. To benefit from quality education with a view to their human, scientific, technical, cultural, ethical and social formation;

2. To be assessed in a timely and impartial manner, under the terms of the law and the RGAC (General Regulations for Assessing Knowledge);

3. Use ISEG's facilities, equipment and IT resources in the context of the learning process, in accordance with the rules in force;

4. Petition or request, individual or collective, on matters relating to the functioning of the school, and the petition or request must be addressed to the Presidents of the Organic Units, the President of ISEG or the Rector, as the case may be;

5. Obtain information from the ISEG and University management bodies on their own initiative or whenever they request it, and in good time, on the progress of cases in which they have a direct interest, and to know the final decisions taken on them and the criteria on which they are based.

6. To participate, under the terms of the ISEG statutes, in decision-making processes that concern students and in the approval of regulations that determine reorganizations of a scientific and educational nature or related to service provision models;

7. Equal opportunities , whereby no ISEG student may be disadvantaged, deprived of any right or exempted from any duty on the grounds of their ancestry, sex, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political or ideological convictions, economic situation or social status.

The Student

Duties - according to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices

According to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices, ISEG students have the following duties:

1. To contribute to the harmony of school life and the full integration of all students into the academic community;

2. Being disciplined in class, helping classes to run smoothly and efficiently, following the teachers' instructions regarding their teaching and learning process;

3. Ensure originality in the preparation of individual and collective work, respecting copyright and the bibliographic referencing standards adopted by ISEG, with plagiarism, copying and other practices contrary to academic ethics being severely punished;

4. Respect the rules for assessing knowledge, refraining from any conduct that could unfairly benefit or harm any other student;

5. Respect the instructions given by teachers, researchers and non-teaching and non-research workers;

6. Not to use the resources made available to them by the University or the Organic Units for their training process for any other purpose.

By becoming aware of this online document, the student acknowledges their rights and undertakes to fulfill their obligations as a member of the University of Lisbon and the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, and declares that they will consult the legislation of these entities available on the institution's website.

The U. of Lisbon official