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Mobility within ULisboa

Because multidisciplinary training is an asset, you can broaden your knowledge in the various fields of study that make up our university.

The possibility of doing this is through internal mobility between the various ULisboa schools.

How to do it?

As part of the group of optional curricular units (CU), ISEG students can attend a CU at any of the other 17 ULisboa schools.

The presentation of application must be made to the ISEG undergraduate secretariat, which, once it has been analyzed and accepted at ISEG, will send it to the desired school where, after verifying that there are operating conditions that allow the student to be accepted, they will proceed to enrol the student.

Application Deadline

The application for ULisboa Mobility, made through the Academic Recognition Agreement, undergraduate curricular units send an email to seclic@iseg.ulisboa.ptMaster's degree curricular units send an email to, by the following deadlines:

Mobility in the 1st semester - from June 1st to June 30th

Mobility in the 2nd semester - From December 1st to 31st

Tuition Fees

Although there are costs associated with enrolling and attending a course at another ULisboa school, these are supported by ISEG.

There is no additional payment for the student to the normal payment of tuition fees at ISEG. Tuition fees must be paid at ISEG in the usual way and within the defined deadlines.

A unique opportunity to integrate scientific areas other than your own! Take advantage of it and enrich your curriculum!

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