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Welcome to the ISEG Mini-forest!

On 2 February 2024, ISEG will take a significant step towards sustainability by inaugurating its own mini-forest. This project represents an important milestone in the intersection between ecology and economics, bringing to light the deep connection between the two fields that share the same etymological root - "eco", from the Greek "oikos", meaning "home".

ISEG's mini-forest is an integral part of the research project TERRAREconducted at the SOCIUS/CSG under the coordination of Oriana Rainho Brás, in collaboration with António Alexandre da 2Adapt and with the support of Valorsul, the compost supplier. This mini-forest is a living laboratory where the community can learn and interact with nature in a participatory way.

The Miyawaki method adopted for planting the mini-forest is an innovative approach that aims to create a dense and diverse forest ecosystem made up of native species from different strata.

This method not only promotes rapid plant growth, but also creates a favourable environment for healthy competition for sunlight, allowing the plants to protect each other from climatic extremes.

The planting of the mini-forest is the result of a collaborative process involving ISEG students, teachers, researchers and staff.

Through preparatory workshops, the land was cleared and prepared, and the design of the forest reflects the needs and desires of the community, as well as the needs of the plants, microorganisms and animals that will share this space.

Urban mini-forests have demonstrated a series of socio-environmental benefits, from regulating temperature and humidity to reducing pollution and stimulating personal well-being. By joining the network of mini-forests in the Lisbon metropolitan region, ISEG is reaffirming its commitment to sustainability and connecting with nature.