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Undergraduate Degree in Finance


Coordinators 2021/2022




Why choose ISEG?

Why study Finance at ISEG?

(i) ISEG has a  high tradition and excellent  in teaching in Economics and Business areas, as well as a strong tradition in Finance.

(ii) The ISEG Bachelors degree in Finance is the only  one in the country and is taught in English.

(iii) We offer you a  redesigned course, new and up-to-date! This degree equips you to work in new areas of finance which are related to technology and digitisation, such as Fintech, Blockchain, and cryptocoins! It also includes a Laboratory in Finance (FinLab), where students model stock market behaviour.

(iv) This degree has a  strong international exposure, with the presence of a growing number of international students. You will learn a foreign language, besides English.

(v) There is the possibility of doing a  Dual Degree with the prestigious Kozminski University in Poland (a Triple Crown university), whereby you obtain two degrees (one from Kozminski University and another from ISEG). This possibility is only available to the 5 best students (2 of whom will be awarded a scholarship for the 3rd Year). This involves studying for your 3rd Year in Poland, which includes participating in an internship with an international or a Polish company for at least 3 weeks.

(vi) By the end you will hold a comprehensive degree, which in addition to a  strong component of Finance and Accounting, also includes the in-depth study of Economics, Management, and Mathematics.

(vi) The degree is taught by  high quality and very competent faculty, all of whom have a PhD from a variety of Portuguese and foreign universities, as well as professors who have a background in the private sector and public administration.

(vii)  Prizes are awarded annually for the best students.


ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management has a long tradition and    experience in teaching Finance,   having graduated many business leaders and well-known political and economic decision-makers. Since 1911, ISEG has accompanied the evolution of markets, the economy, and scientific knowledge in the field of Finance.



The degree in Finance enables you to acquire a vast set of knowledge, skills, and experiences in the area of ​​Finance - both  corporate finance and also  financial markets. Furthermore, you will gain a strong understanding of core accounting and fiscal principles. Being a multifaceted and international School, this degree from ISEG offers you a good overall knowledge of Economics, Management, and Mathematics.

Students who graduated in Finance from ISEG can go on to study for a 2 nd Cycle degree under the Bologna Process, where they can either further their knowledge in Economics or Management or specialise in the specific area of ​​Finance.



Even though you will probably only worry about this in 3 years' time, we invest in the professional success of our students right from the beginning. Our students have virtually a 100% employability level 6 months after graduating (with nearly 35% of students receiving a job offer before the end of their degree).

With a degree in Finance you can work in finance or banking institutions, investment funds, or in companies that operate in financial markets, or you can work for a financial regulator (Banco de Portugal, CMVM, European Central Bank) or public entities. Our graduates are also frequently employed by the Big 4 consulting/auditing companies and in the corporate sector. There are exciting job market opportunities for you - both in Portugal and abroad!


Active Life Insertion Survey - Degree in Finance



Tuition Fees

See here

Numerus Clausus

  • Total: 32