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1995 Link

    Nº12/95 Manuel Ennes Ferreira, Carlos Barros
    Uma Taxa Social para a Paz em Angola
    Nº11/95 Stephen Hall, Miguel St.Aubyn
    Using the Kalman filter to test for convergence: A comparison to other methods using artificial data
    Nº10/95 Carlos Barros
    An almost ideal Demand System for Leisure: Cinema, Football and Television
    Nº09/95 José Pedro Pontes
    Spatial Oligopoly with a Variable Transport Cost
    Nº08/95 José Pedro Pontes
    Uma Abordagem Espacial à Economia dos Transportes e Comunicações
    Nº07/95 Paulo Brito
    The Bickerdike-Robinson-Lerner condition and the Dymanics of the Real Exchange Rate
    Nº06/95 Ana Bela Santos
    A Cointegration Analysis of Politico-EconomicVariables
    Nº05/95 António Castro Guerra
    O Nível e a Estabilidade da Taxa de Lucro das maiores Empresas Industriais
    Nº04/95 Muradali Ibrahimo
    Financial Intermediation, Risk Aversion and Asymmetric Information
    Nº03/95 Paulo Trigo Pereira
    Towards the Reform of Local Finance:The case of Portugal
    Nº02/95 Ana Bela Santos, Carlos Barros
    A Popularity Function for Portugal
    Nº01/95 José Pedro Pontes
    Spatial Quality Competition