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2007 Link

    WP 31/2007/DE Andrea Gavosto, Guido Ponte and Carla Scaglioni
    " Investment in Next Generation Networks and the Role of Regulation: A Real Option Approach"
    WP 30/2007/DE José António Filipe
    " The Drama of Fishing Commons: Cournot-Nash Model and Cooperation"
    WP 29/2007/DE/UECE António Afonso and Juan González Alegre
    " Economic Growth and Budgetary Components: a Panel Assessment for the EU"
    WP 28/2007/DE/CISEP Nuno Crespo, Isabel Proença and Maria Paula Fontoura
    " FDI Spillovers at Regional Level: Evidence from Portugal"
    WP 27/2007/DE/SOCIUS Horácio Faustino and Nuno Carlos Leitão
    " Country-Specific Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade in Portugal"
    WP 26/2007/DE/UECE António Afonso and Davide Furceri
    " Business Cycle Synchronization and Insurance Mechanisms in the EU"
    WP 25/2007/DE/UECE Tanya Araújo and R. Vilela Mendes
    " Innovation Success and Structural Change: An Abstract Agent Based Study"
    WP 24/2007/DE/UECE Tanya Araújo and Gérard Weisbuch
    " The Labour Market on the Hypercube"
    WP 23/2007/DE/UECE Álvaro Pina and Nuno Venes
    " The Political Economy of EDP Fiscal Forecasts: An Empirical Assessment"
    WP 22/2007/DE João Silvestre, António Mendonça and José Passos
    " The Shrinking Endogeneity of Optimum Currency Areas Criteria: Evidence from the European Monetary Union - A Beta Regression Approach."
    WP 21/2007/DE Miguel Fonseca, António Mendonça and José Passos
    " The Investment Development Path Hypothesis: Evidence from the Portuguese Case - A panel Data Analysis."
    WP 20/2007/DE/UECE António Afonso and Christophe Rault
    " What We Really Know about Fiscal Sustainability in the EU? A Panel Data Diagnostic."
    WP 17/2007/DE/UECE Susana Santos
    Macro-SAMs for modelling purposes. An application to Portugal in 2003  "
    WP 16/2007/DE/SOCIUS

    José António Filipe, Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira and Manuel Coelho
    " The Tragedy of the Anti-Commons: A New Problem. An Application to the Fisheries"

    WP 15/2007/DE

    Luís Vieira
    " Evolução da Maturidade dos Serviços de Informação das Autarquias no período 2006-2007"

    WP 14/2007/DE

    Maria Rosa Borges
    Random Walk Tests for the Lisbon Stock Market


    Paulo Trigo Pereira & João Andrade e Silva
    Citizens' Freedom to Choose Representatives: Ballot Structure,Proportionality and "Fragmented" Parliaments

    WP 12/2007/DE João Caraça, João Lobo Ferreira & Sandro Mendonça
    A chain-interactive innovation model for the learning economy: Prelude for a proposal
    WP 11/2007/DE

    Ana S. Branca
    The Impact of Cognitive versus Affective Aspects on Consumer Usage of Financial Service Delivery Channels

    WP 09/2007/DE/CIEF Maria Rosa Borges
    An Arbitrage Model for the Stock Price Adjustment in the Dividend Period
    WP 08/2007/DE/UECE João Ferreira do Amaral
    Generalized Dynamic Systems
    WP 07/2007/DE/CISEP Margarida Chagas Lopes
    Time to Complete a Pos Graduation: some evidence of "school effect" upon ISCED 6 trajectories
    WP 05/2007/DE/UECE Tanya Araújo and Francisco Louçã
    The Seismography of Crashes in Financial Markets
    WP 02/2007/DE/UECE António Afonso and Davide Furceri
    Sectoral Business Cycle Synchronization in the European Union
    WP01/2007/DE/CISEP/UECE António Afonso
    Public finances in Portugal: a brief long-run view