Contabilidade Financeira Avançada (2 º Sem 2009/2010)

CFFE (2ª Edição) , CFFE (2ª Edição - Tomar)

Trabalho de Grupo Link

    • Artigo A (Financial statement effects of adopting IAS - the case of Germany.pdf, 312KB)
    • Artigo B (Adoption of IFRS in Spain - effect on the comparability and relevance of financial reporting.pdf, 226KB)
    • Artigo C (Investigating the effects of the UE mandatory adoption of IFRS on accounting quality in Italy.pdf, 196KB)
    • Artigo D (Market Reaction to the Adoption of IFRS in Europe.pdf, 254KB)
    • Artigo E (Domestic accounting standards, international accounting standards and the predicatability of earnings.pdf, 161KB)
    • Artigo F (Board structure and the informativeness of earnings.pdf, 134KB)
    • Artigo G (The importance of reporting incentives- earnings management in European private and public firms.pdf, 316KB)
    • Artigo H (Do accounting standards matter- An explanatory anlysis of earnings management before and after IFRS adoption.pdf, 193KB)
    • Artigo I (Earnings management within Europe - the effects of member state audit environment, audit firm quality and international capital markets.pdf, 1,6MB)
    • Artigo J (How are earnings managed-examples from auditors.pdf, 1,4MB)
    • Artigo K (The effect of audit quality on earnings management.pdf, 1,4MB)
    • Grupos (Composicao dos Grupos.pdf, 34KB)
    • Calendário apresentações (Grupos.pdf, 8KB)