Economics I (G) (1 º Sem 2018/2019)


Publicar Publicado em 11-02-2019

Publicação de Notas

A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Economics I (G) -

Publicar Publicado em 08-02-2019

Publicação de Notas

Anyone willing to see her/his exam can do that on Monday, 11, at 9am, in room 004F1.
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Economics I (G) -

Publicar Publicado em 04-02-2019

Exam - 6th February - room

The exam will take place in room 104 F1.


Publicar Publicado em 30-01-2019

Publicação de Notas

These are the final grades.
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Economics I (G) -

Publicar Publicado em 30-01-2019

Publicação de Notas

These are the exam grades. The final grades will be published soon, in a different table. Anyone willing to see her/his exam can do it on Friday, at noon, room 003F1.
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Economics I (G) -

Publicar Publicado em 13-12-2018

Normal Period Exam: access, room and instructions


According to the assessment rules of Economics I, students who have not delivered the intermediate test and did not arrive in the 3rd phase, do not have access to the Normal Period Exam. In the section "  Exams and tests 2018_19" you may find a file with the status of each student with respect to the access to the Normal Period Exam (NPE). The students with a "Y" have acces and the students with a "N" do not have access.

To have access to the NPE does not necessarily imply that the student should use that possibility. If the grade in the intermediate test was not higher than 5, this grade will weigh 40% in the calculus of the final grade if the exam is the NPE but will not be considered to calculate the final grade unless it benefits the student in the Appeal Period. Therefore, each student should consider his/her interest in going to the NPE.



107 F1





106 F1







The exam will last a maximum of 2h15m. A student can only leave the room after 45m and cannot come back after leaving.

The exam will have two parts: Part A will be worth 6 marks and Part B will be worth 14 marks.

Part A will have 12 Multiple Choice questions, each worth 0,5 marks. Each wrong answer will discount 0.15 marks. The answers to Part A are written in the Table that is given with the questionnaire.

Part B will have 3 groups of open-answer questions, with several points. To answer Part B, students should take the EXAM PAPER that is sold at AEISEG. 

Only NON-GRAPHICAL calculators are allowed.

No electronic devices (tablets, computers, mobile phones) and no written materials will be allowed.

All the chapters that were taught in the course may be assessed in the exam. The last chapter is chapter 15.

Canal: Economics I (G) - De 14-12-2018 07:30 a 18-01-2019 12:00 - Autor: PAULA CRISTINA ANTUNES MATEUS DE ALBUQUERQUE -