Econometrics (1 º Sem 2020/2021)
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Publicação de Notas
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui
Canal: Econometrics -
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Resit Exam - Marks
The students that are interested in receiving feedback on their performance in the resit exam must register via email ( by 23:59 of 9th February 2021. The feedback is going to be given via MS TEAMS on 10th February, 2021 from 14:30 to 15:30.
The marks can be seen here.
The solutions of the exam can be found here.
Canal: Econometrics - Autor: PAULO MIGUEL DIAS COSTA PARENTE - Modificado em 07-02-2021 -
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Rules of the Resit Exam
The rules of the resit exam are available here.
There is going to be a simulation of the exam on Friday, 29th January from 11:00 to 11:40.
The lecturers are going to be available in MS TEAMS during this period to clarify the rules of the exam.
Canal: Econometrics - Autor: PAULO MIGUEL DIAS COSTA PARENTE - Modificado em 26-01-2021 -
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Resit Exam
Following the instructions of the President of ISEG, the resit exam is going to be an online exam. The date of the online resit exam is 2nd February, 2021, 12:00-14:00 . I am going to send you soon further details on the rules of the resit exam.
Canal: Econometrics - Autor: PAULO MIGUEL DIAS COSTA PARENTE -
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Exam - Normal Season - Publication of marks
The students that are interested in viewing their exam scripts must register via email ( by 23:59 of 26th January 2020. The viewing of the exams is going to be done via MS TEAMS on 28th January, 2020 from 15:00 to 16:00.
The marks can be seen here.
The solutions of the exam can be found here.
Canal: Econometrics - Modificado em 24-01-2021 -
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Lecture 12
The vídeo file of lecture 12 was posted in the website of the module. This corresponds to the file SCorr& (SCorr&Het_part2.mp4)
The video file is in mp4 format and is zipped and therefore students will need to unzip it to a suitable folder. If you do not have the software Winzip to unzip the file, I suggest that you use the software 7-zip which is freeware.
Notice that the unzipped file of the vídeo is also available in Microsoft TEAMS in the team of the module Econometrics.
The slides of the lecture correspond to the file SCorr&Het_part2.pdf.
The students should read the pages 431 to 440 of Wooldridge (2013)'s book.
The homework for next week is the following:
- Exercises 2, 3, 5 from the Exercise Worksheet of chapter 10 which is available here.
- Exercices 2, 4, 5 of Wooldridge (2013) chapter 12.
Canal: Econometrics - Autor: PAULO MIGUEL DIAS COSTA PARENTE - Modificado em 06-12-2020 -