Economia Internacional (1 º Sem 2015/2016)

EIEE (Economia Internacional e Estudos Europeus)

Inovação, Produtividade e Exportação Link

    • Faustino and Matos (2015) (Faustino & Matos (2015) Exports, productivity and innovation. New firm level empirical evidence. AE. Vol. 47. N 46.pdf, 414KB)
    • Faustino et al. (2012) (Faustino, H. & Lima. J. & Matos, P. (2012) Exports, Productivity and Innovation. Evidence from Portugal using micro data. WP N. 13. ISEG.pdf, 372KB)
    • Yi et al. (2013) (Yi et al (2013) The effects of innovative capabilities on exporting. Do institutional forces matter. IBR.pdf, 426KB)
    • Becker and Egger (2013) (Becker and Egger (2013) Endogeneous Product versus Process innovation and a Firms ....pdf, 265KB)
    • Serra et al. (2012) (Serra et al (2012) Factors influencing the propensity to export. A study of UK and Portuguese textile firms. International Business Review.pdf, 439KB)