Corporate Finance I (2 º Sem 2018/2019)


Método de Avaliação

There are two possible assessment regimes for  this course:

1. Continuous Evaluation System:

Final Grade is the weighted average of three group assignments, mid-term (35%) and  final exam (35%). The assignments are mandatory.

  • Group assignments (30%): students must prepare a written report (hard copy) (We do not accept handwritten assignments or assignments sent by email). Please include the title of the assignment, and the student names and numbers:
    • Group Assignment 1      (7.5%):  Deadline: 19-03-2018
    • Group Assignment 2   (15%): Deadline: 30-04-2018
    • Group Assignment 3   (7.5%): Deadline: 21-05-2018
  • Mid-term  exam (35%): The mid-term exam ("Teste Intermédio") will cover the first part of the course (Chapters 1-7 of the book)  and it will be held on  11/04/2018 at 16:00. The minimum grade is 6.5/20.
  • Final exam (35%):   The final exam ("Época Normal") will cover the second part of the course will be held on   18/06/2018 at 15:00.   The minimum grade is 6.5/20.

2. Final Evaluation System:

  • Final Exam (100%):   The final exam  ("Época de Recurso) will be held on   2/07/2018  at 15:00


There are two possible assessment regimes for  this course:

1. Continuous Evaluation System:

Final Grade is the weighted average of three group assignments, mid-term (35%) and  final exam (35%). The assignments are mandatory.

  • Group assignments (30%): students must prepare a written report (hard copy) (We do not accept handwritten assignments or assignments sent by email). Please include the title of the assignment, and the student names and numbers:
    • Group Assignment 1      (7.5%):  Deadline: 19-03-2018
    • Group Assignment 2   (15%): Deadline: 30-04-2018
    • Group Assignment 3   (7.5%): Deadline: 14-05-2018
  • Mid-term  exam (35%): The mid-term exam ("Teste Intermédio") will cover the first part of the course (Chapters 1-6 of the book)  and it will be held on  11/04/2018 at 16:00. The minimum grade is 6.5/20.
  • Final exam (35%):   The final exam ("Época Normal") will cover the second part of the course will be held on   18/06/2018 at 15:00.   The minimum grade is 6.5/20.

2. Final Evaluation System:

  • Final Exam (100%):   The final exam  ("Época de Recurso) will be held on   2/07/2018  at 15:00