Inglês I (1 º Sem 2016/2017)


Método de Avaliação

In accordance with RGAC, evaluation comprises two components: semester-based assessment and a final exam.

Semester-based assessment (Ao longo do semestre)

· Participation

  1. Listening ...................................................... 10%
  2. Speaking ..................................................... 10%
  3. Reading ....................................................... 10%
  4. Writing (portfolio) ......................................... 10%

· Oral presentation in group …………………...…........ 20%

· Written mid-semester test (open book) .................... 15%

Final exam (Prova escrita individual final, closed book) …... 25%

Students with semester-based assessment

Students who obtain a written mark of 17 or above in the final exam will be required to sit an oral exam if there is a difference of 3 marks or more between the written exam mark and oral component marks from the semester-based assessment. Students who do not sit the final written exam will receive 'F' (falta) for their final mark irrespective of their results in the semester-based component.

Students with incomplete or no semester-based assessment

Students who obtain a written mark of 10 or above in the final exam and for whom there is incomplete or no semester-based assessment must do an oral exam following the written exam. In this case, the final mark is computed as written exam 60% and oral exam 40%.  

Note: Continued absences will hinder progress and may invalidate the semester-based mark of the student. Students who are unable to attend classes on a regular basis should inform the teacher as soon as possible.

Students should consult the detailed information on the semester-based evaluation components available in the 'Evaluation notes' file in the section 'More' / 'Ver mais'.