Operational Research (1 º Sem 2016/2017)


Método de Avaliação

Assessment Process

  • During the break week (from 31 th October to 5 th November) there will be a midterm test that covers block 1 of the program.

  • In the end of the semester, in the regular period exam date, every student will take a test on block 2 of the program. In this date, block 1 evaluation may be retaken, however students must decide whether it should be graded or not, because if they deliver to the teacher it is assumed that the midterm test grade does not count anymore. The final grade will result from the sum of the grades [0-10] obtained in each block evaluation.

  • Students who do not get a final grade higher than or equal to 9.5 may apply to the exam of the repeat period.

  • Students who obtain 17.5 or more and would like to have a final grade higher than 17 may be called to an oral exam.

  • Students may consult one A4 sheet in the mini tests and 2 A4 sheets in the other exams.

  • Calculators are not allowed, neither in the exams nor in the tests.

  • All that is not specified above follows the "Regime Geral de Avaliação de Conhecimentos" of ISEG.