Mathematics I (1 º Sem 2020/2021)


Publicar Publicado em 11-09-2021

Special Period

Dear students, here go the results of Special period.

55817 10,7

 55923 F

55388 10

55906 F

55340 F

55410 F

53553 F

55402 6

 55439 14,6

55461 16,3

55424 11,5

The students who want to see their work should send an email to up to 1p.m. of Monday 13 of September. All the best.

Canal: Mathematics I - Autor: ALEXANDRA SYMEONIDES -

Publicar Publicado em 11-02-2021

Publicação de Notas

Dear students, Here go your results after the oral evaluations. All the best
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Mathematics I -

Publicar Publicado em 09-02-2021

Publicação de Notas

Dear students, here go the results of Resit period. You can see your work day 11 of February at 9 a.m. on Teams, but in this case you must send and email to confirm your presence. On the same day we will start at 10 a.m. with the oral evaluations. At this time the following students must be available on Teams: 55383 55403 55404 55428 55574 55817 55818 55822 55852 55877 55888 55910 55844 55401
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Mathematics I -

Publicar Publicado em 26-01-2021

Publicação de Notas

Normal period
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Mathematics I -

Publicar Publicado em 26-01-2021

Resit period

Dear students,

Special period and Improvements are postponed to the period of 30/08 to 10/09.

Resit period will take place online on Teams as already scheduled for day 3 of February at 9 a.m .

Canal: Mathematics I - Autor: ALEXANDRA SYMEONIDES -

Publicar Publicado em 19-01-2021

Results Normal Period

Dear students,

In the folder "Normal Period" you can find the results of your assignment of day 11 of January 2021 which you can review day 26 of January at 10:30 via Teams.

The students who are interested should send an email up to the night before to confirm their presence. 

Canal: Mathematics I - Autor: ALEXANDRA SYMEONIDES -