Mathematics II (1 º Sem 2018/2019)


Publicar Publicado em 18-03-2019

Publicação de Notas

As provas poderão ser consultadas na próxima terça-feira, dia 19 de março, às 10h30 no meu gabinete (Quelhas 2 - 305). Cumprimentos, Filipe Oliveira
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Mathematics II -

Publicar Publicado em 11-02-2019

Publicação de Notas

Dear students, You may see your exam next wednesday, the 6th february, at 9h00, room 008-F1. Best regards, Filipe Oliveira
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Mathematics II - Modificado em 11-02-2019 -

Publicar Publicado em 11-02-2019

Repeat Period Exam

Dear students,


the resolution topics and your detailed grade can be found here.

You may see your exam next wednesday, the 6th february, at 9h00, room 008-F1.


Best regards,

Filipe Oliveira

Canal: Mathematics II - Autor: FILIPE SERRA DE OLIVEIRA - Modificado em 11-02-2019 -

Publicar Publicado em 23-01-2019

Publicação de Notas

Dear students, as previously announced through an announcement in the course's official page, you were welcome to consult your Normal Period Exam monday, january 21st, at my office (Quelhas 2, room 305 - near the medical post), at 11h00.
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Mathematics II -

Publicar Publicado em 15-01-2019

Normal Period Results

Dear students,

you may find here the final results of the Normal Period Assessment.

You are welcome to consult your Normal Period Exam next monday, january 21st, at my office (Quelhas 2, room 305 - near the medical post), at 11h00.


Best regards,


Canal: Mathematics II - Autor: FILIPE SERRA DE OLIVEIRA -

Publicar Publicado em 15-12-2018

Regular Period Exam

Dear students,

May I  remind you that the Normal Period Assessment will evaluate the contents of the following exercise sheets:

- Optimization;

- Level Curves;

- Multiple Integrals;

- Differential Equations.


According to the Assessment Regulations, only the students who obtained at least a grade of 3/10 in the Miderm Test are allowed in the Regular Period. The remaining students will have the opportunity of performing a full exam in the Repeat Period.


I take this chance to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Best regards,

Filipe Oliveira


Canal: Mathematics II - Autor: FILIPE SERRA DE OLIVEIRA - Modificado em 15-12-2018 -