Microeconomics I (1 º Sem 2020/2021)
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Canal: Microeconomics I -
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Midterm Test
The Midterm Test takes place in the classes of Thursday, 5th of November and Thursday 12th of November. This is an in-person test, and you take it on the date you are supposed to come to the in-person class. This is an optional test. See “Assessment Process” on aquila for details.
This test covers consumer theory up to chapter 15 – Market Demand. It has a maximum duration of 70 minutes and consists of multiple-choice and open questions. It will be of the same type as the mock test you can find here on Aquila: look into “See More” – “Exercises”. We will go through the mock test this Thursday, 29th of October.
Please bring a photo-ID card and ISEG answers sheets to the test with you. Also bring a non-graphic calculator. See what calculators you can use in “See More” – “Authorised Calculators”.
Canal: Microeconomics I - Autor: JACINTO CORREIA BRAGA - Modificado em 27-10-2020 -
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Welcome to Microeconomics I
Welcome to Microeconomics I. This unit covers consumer’s and firm’s behaviour in perfectly competitive markets at a fairly advanced level. Microeconomics II will follow next semester with the study of imperfect competition and various market failures.
In this page you will find lots of information and support material: syllabus, assessment rules, bibliography, exercises, and tests and exams from previous years. So, explore and acquaint yourself with this unit.
I hope will enjoy this unit. Best wishes and see you in class.
Jacinto Braga
Canal: Microeconomics I - Autor: JACINTO CORREIA BRAGA -