Scenarios and Strategic Foresight (1 º Sem 2018/2019)




  • Van der Heijden, Kees , Scenarios - the Art of Strategic Conversation , John Wiley and Sons, London., 1996
  • Goodwin, P., Wright, G. , Decision Analysis for Management Judgment (4th ed.) , John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. [Chapter 15 "Scenario planning: an alternative way of dealing with uncertainty"], 2009
  • Godet, Michel, How to be Rigorous with Scenario Planning. , Foresight ,Vol. 2, no.1 , 2000


  • Amer, M., Daim, T.U., Jetter, A. , A review of scenario planning , Futures, 46, 4623-4640, 2013
  • Coyle, R. G. , Scenario Thinking and Strategic Modelling , in The Oxford Handbook of Strategy, edited by David Faulkner and Andrew Campbell, pp. 308-349. Oxford University Press, Oxford., 2003
  • Fortes, Patrícia; Alvarenga, A.; Seixas, J.; Rodrigues, S. , Long-term energy scenarios: Bridging the gap between socio-economic storylines and energy modelling, Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Volume 91, February, Pages 161-178, 2015
  • Godet, Michel, Manuel de Prospective Stratégique 1 - Une indiscipline intellectuelle , Paris: Dunod, 1997
  • Godet, Michel, Manuel de Prospective Stratégique 2 - L'art et la Méthode , Paris: Dunod, 1997
  • Porter, Michael E. , The Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance , NY: Free Press (republished with a new introduction) [particularly the chapter about Scenarios], 1998
  • Scearce, D.,& Fulton, K. , What If? The Art of Scenario Thinking for Nonprofits , Global Business Network., 2004
  • Schwartz, Peter, The Art of the Long View , Doubleday Currency, New York., 1991
  • Varum, C.; Melo, C.; Alvarenga, A. and Carvalho, P, Scenarios and possible futures for hospitality and tourism , Foresight, Vol. 13, Iss: 1, pp. 19-35., 2011
  • Wack P., Scenarios: Shooting the Rapids , Harvard Business Review, 63(6), 139-150., 1985
  • Wack P., Scenarios: Uncharted waters ahead , Harvard Business Review, 63(5), 73-89, 1985
  • Wilson, I. , From Scenario Thinking to Strategic Action, Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Volume 65, Number 1: 23-29, 2000
  • Scearce, D. Fulton, K. , What If? The Art of Scenario Thinking for Nonprofits, Global Business Network, 2004
  • Schwartz, Peter , The Art of the Long View, Doubleday Currency, New York, 1991
  • Varum, C. Melo, C. Alvarenga, A. Carvalho, P. , Scenarios and possible futures for hospitality and tourism, Foresight, Vol. 13, Iss: 1, pp. 19-35, 2011
  • Wack P., Scenarios: Shooting the Rapids, Harvard Business Review, 63(6), 139-150, 1985
  • Wack P., Scenarios: Uncharted waters ahead, Harvard Business Review, 63(5), 73-89, 1985
  • Wilson, I., From Scenario Thinking to Strategic Action, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 65, Number 1: 23-29, 2000