Sociology of Work (1 º Sem 2016/2017)


Linhas Programáticas

Sociology of work and labour relations: an introduction:

- The sociological perspectives on work, employment and the workplace;
- Main concepts and research methods.

From industrial society to the information and knowledge society: trends in work and employment:

- Sociological perspectives on the implications of technological and economic changes for employment and work;
- Information and communication technologies and globalisation processes;
- Changes in occupational structure and the new international division of labour;
- From the Fordist labour relations to flexible forms of work and employment.

New principles of work organisation:

- From the Taylorist/Fordist model of production to the emergence of new production and organisational models;
- New technologies: new skill contents and abilities;
- Employment flexibility and labour segmentation at the workplace.

Socio-economic changes and new dynamics in industrial relations:

- The diversity of national industrial relations systems and forms of workers'representation at the workplace;
- Present challenges for trade unions;
- New forms of participation and negotiation.