Tópicos de Finanças (1 º Sem 2008/2009)

FI (5ª Edição) , FI (6ª Edição) , MF (1ª Edição) , MF (2ª Edição)

Topics of Finance. Compulsory course to any Mathematical Finance master students or PhD students willing to defend a thesis in any area of Finance at ISEG. Optional course to the Finance master.

Corpo Docente


Últimos Anúncios

Publicação de Notas

Os exames poderão ser consultados durante o horário de atendimento do dia 23/01/2009, entre as 17.30h-19.30h, no Gabinete 101 do Edifício da R. Miguel Lupi.

Breve introdução

Finance has become an academic field over the past forty years. Before the 50?s finance was mostly a descriptive field. In this course we present the various fields of finance and study in detail one of its major fields: asset pricing. Asset pricing is the field that asks how the expected rates of returns on various rates are determined. Another big issue in asset pricing is how to measure risk properly. The course has been designed to students attending the Master in Mathematical Finance. It is a useful course also to PhD students or other Master students with a true interest in Finance. Due to the nature of the topic it is advisable that the students are comfortable using mathematics.