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    1995 - 1996: City University Business School - London, UK

    Msc "Shipping, Trade and Finance", Financial electives

    Dissertation topic: "The Strategic Approach to Foreign Exchange Exposure Management" - January 1997. 

    1994 - 1995: Loughborough University - Loughborough, UK

    Final year of Economics Degree - Erasmus Programme

    1990 - 1994: Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Lisbon, Portugal

    Economics Undergraduate Degree, final grade 14 

    1976 - 1990: St. Julians School - Carcavelos, Portugal

    "International Baccaulaureat" with Majors in Economics, Maths and Portuguese; and Minors in History, French and Chemistry

    From October 2001: Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal


    Business Development Director

    Since February 2015, responsible for the Executive Education business area of the University - open enrollment courses and customised corporate training programes. Development and Coordination of the executive courses "Luxury Brand Management", "Digital Marketing for Executives" and "Luxury Real Estate Sales Management".

    Professor of Finance

    Masters Degree in Marketing : Coordination of Finance course since 2009. Postgraduate Degree in Risk Management and Derivatives: Financial Theory.  Undergraduate Degree in Management: Corporate Finance I and II, Financial Risk Management, Financial Analysis

    Feb. 2004 to Nov. 2013: Startup Bidinâmica Lda and launch of new brand TELA BAGS 

    Mar.1999 to July 2001: Banco de Investimento Global, Lisbon, Portugal

    Sept.1996 to Jan.1999: Chase Manhattan Bank, London, UK

    1993 - 1994: BCI-Leasing, Lisbon, Portugal