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ISEG  >  Economia  >  JOANA VAZ PAIS



    Pais, J. (2008). Random Matching in the College Admissions Problem. Economic Theory, 35(1), 99-116.

    Pais, J. and Á. Pintér (2008). School Choice and Information: An Experimental Study on Matching Mechanisms. Games and Economic Behavior , 64(1), 303-328.

    Pais, J. (2008). Incentives in Decentralized Random Matching Markets. Games and Economic Behavior, 64(2), 632-649.

    Pais, J. and P. Pontes (2008). Fragmentation and Clustering in Vertically-Linked Industries . Journal of Regional Science , 48(5), 991-1006.

    Garcia, F., J. Pais, Á. Pina, and M. St. Aubyn (2009). Study on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Public Spending on Tertiary Education. European Economy, Economic Papers 390, November 2009. DOI: 10.2765/30348.

    Amir, R., F. Garcia, C. Halmenschlager, and J. Pais (2010). R&D as a Prisoner's Dilemma and R&D-Avoiding Cartels. The Manchester School 79(1), 81-99.

    Pais, J., Á. Pintér, and R. Veszteg (2011). College Admissions and the Role of Information: An Experimental Study. International Economic Review, August 2011, 52(3), 713-737.

    Gabszewicz, J., F Garcia, J. Pais, and J. Resende (2012). On Gale and Shapley "College Admissions and Stability of Marriage." Theoretical Economics Letters, 291-293, DOI: 10.4236/tel.2012.23054.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2013). Preference Intensities and Risk Aversion in School Choice: A Laboratory Experiment. Experimental Economics, 16(1), 1-22, DOI: 10.1007/s10683-012-9329-5.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2016). Affirmative Action through Minority Reserves: An Experimental Study on School Choice. Economics Letters, vol. 139, February 2016, 72-75,

    Pais, J. and P. Pontes (2018). The Role of Infrastructure Efficiency in Economic Development - The Case for Underused Highways in Europe . Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development , 2(2), 1-10.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2019). Static versus Dynamic Deferred Acceptance in School Choice: Theory and Experiment.  Games and Economic Behavior, 113, 147-163.

    Pais, J., Á. Pintér, and R. Veszteg (2019). Decentralized Matching Markets With(out) Frictions: A Laboratory Experiment. Forthcoming in  Experimental Economics

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2020). Improving Schools through School Choice: An Experimental Study of Deferred Acceptance. Economics Letters 186, 108853. 


    Working Papers

    Pais, J. (2008). On Random Matching Markets: Properties and Equilibria. Working Paper from Departamento de Economia ISEG, wp11/2006/DE/UECE, 2006.

    Gabszewicz, J., F Garcia, J. Pais, and J. Resende (2008). On Gale and Shapley "College Admissions and Stability of Marriage." CORE Discussion Paper 2008/67.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorstaz (2010). Preference Intensities and Risk Aversion in School Choice: A Laboratory Experiment. UFAE and IAE Working Papers 816.10, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC) and Harvard Business School Working Papers 10-093, Harvard Business School.

    Pais, J., Á. Pintér, and R. Veszteg (2012). Decentralized Matching Markets: A Laboratory Experiment. Working Paper from Departamento de Economia ISEG, wp08/2012/DE/UECE.

    Garcia, F., J. Pais, Á. Pina, and M. St. Aubyn (2013). Efficiency of Public Spending in Tertiary Education.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2014). Affirmative Action through Minority Reserves: An Experimental Study on School Choice. Barcelona GSE Working Paper Series, Working Paper nº 752.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2016). Static versus Dynamic Deferred Acceptance in School Choice: Theory and Experiment. Barcelona GSE Working Paper Series, Working Paper nº 926.

    Pais, J., Á. Pintér, and R. Veszteg (2017). Decentralized Matching Markets With(out) Frictions: A Laboratory Experiment. REM-Research in Mathematics and Management Working Paper Series, Working Paper 003-2017.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2019). Improving Schools through School Choice: An Experimental Study of Deferred Acceptance. REM-Research in Mathematics and Management Working Paper Series, Working Paper 098-2019.

    Work in Progress

    Pais, J.. Giving Advice and Perfect Equilibria in Matching Markets.

    Garcia, F. and J. Pais. Competition of Matching Intermediaries with Preferences for the Peers.

    Garcia, F., F. Page, and J. Pais. Coalitional Matching Networks.

    Coutts, A., J. Pais., and G. Polavieja. Wisdom of Crowds: An Experimental Study.

    Klijn, F, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz. Truthtelling vs. Priority-driven Strategies: A Behavioral Model for School Choice.


    Garcia, F., J. Pais, Á. Pina, and M. St. Aubyn (2009). Study on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of public spending on tertiary education. European Economy. Economic Papers 390. 

    Financed research projects

    2016 - ...                 Research Grant PTDC/IIM-ECO/4546/2014: Theory and Experiments in    Matching Markets (15/3/2016-14/3/2019); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal; Principal Researcher: Joana Pais.  (Funding: 57.210,00)

    2016 - 2018            Research grant "Comportamiento individual en grupos y mercados: Una evaluación experimental"(ECO2015-31985-P); Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness; Principal Researcher: Marc Vorsatz. (Funding: 10.600,00)

    2017 - …               COST Action CA16228 on European Network for Game Theory (18/10/2017-17/10/2021; Principal Researcher: Mathias Staudigl. 

    2013 - 2015            Research grant "Comportamiento individual en grupos y mercados: Una evaluación experimental" (ECO2012-31985); Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness; Principal Researcher: Marc Vorsatz. (Funding: 17.500,00)

    2012 - 2016            COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice (30/11/2012-29/11/2016); European Union's 7th Framework Programme; Principal Researcher: Ulle Endriss. 

    2012 - 2014            Research grant "Studies on Two-Sided Matching Markets and Well-being;" Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation ECO2011-29847; Principal Researcher: Flip Klijn.

    2011 - 2014            Research Grant PTDC/EGE-ECO/113403/2009: Risk Aversion, Information, and Entry: An Experimental Study on Networks (5/4/2011-4/6/2014); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal; Principal Researcher: Joana Pais. (Funding: 58.800,00)

    2011 - 2014            Research Grant PTDC/EGE-ECO/115625/2009: Studies on Strategic Choice and Complementarities, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal; Principal Researcher: Joana Resende. (Funding: 20.225,00)

    2010 - 2012            Research Grant: Individual Behavior in Groups and Markets: An Experimental  Validation (ECO2009-07530), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Spain; Principal Researcher: Marc Vorsatz. (Funding: 39.100,00)

    2010 - 2013            Research Grant PTDC/EGE-ECO/101208/2008: Advances on Dynamic  Games of Incomplete Information: Theory and Applications, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal; Principal Researcher: Cesaltina Pires. (Funding: 19.920,00)

    2007 - 2008            Procurement Contract ECFIN/E/2007/22: Study on the Efficiency and the                                Effectiveness of Public Spending on Tertiary Education.

    2007 - 2011            Research Grant PTDC/ECO/65856/2006: Matching and Social Networks:                                   Theory and Applications, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal;                                         Principal Researcher: Filomena Garcia. (Funding: 43.270,00)

    Organizer of I&D Activities

    Member of the Program Comittee of the 2020 Meetings of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare in Mexico City.

    Co-organizer of the 5th Workshop Economics, Statistics, and Econometrics of Education, ISEG, Lisboa, Portugal, January 2019.

    Co-organizer of the International Annual Conference UECE Lisbon Meetings: Game Theory and Applications, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, 5-7 November 2009, 4-6 November 2010, 3-5 November 2011, 18-20 October 2012, 7-9 November 2013, 6-8 November 6-8, 2014, 5-7 November 2015, 3-5 November 2016, 9-11 November 2017, 25-27 October 2018, 7-9 November 2019.

    Co-organizer of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, Lisbon, Portugal, July 6-8, 2018.

    Co-organizer of the 8th Workshop Matching in Practice, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, November 7, 2014.

    Co-organizer of the Seminar Series ISEG2S, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, since September 2012.

    Co-organizer of the International Conference Economic and Financial Adjustments in Europe, ISEG/Technical Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, June 29, 2012.

    Co-organizer of the Seminar Series of the Economics Department of ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, since September 2006.


    American Economic Review, The (Chilean) Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Econometrica, Economic Journal, Economics Bulletin, Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Games, Games and Economic Behavior, Health Care Management Science, International Economic Review, International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Mathematical Reviews, The (Hungarian) National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), Portuguese Economic Journal, Quantitative Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Design, Revista Brasileira de Economia, Social Choice and Welfare, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Southern Economic Journal, Theoretical Economics, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation ( BSF) .