JANAINA, M., M., D.MANUEL LARANJA, "Cross Innovation approach and the creative industries: a case study in the city of Lisbon, Portugal", International Journal of Innovation , 2016, vol. 4, no. 2 |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., "Network governance of innovation policies: The Technological Plan in Portugal", SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY, 2012, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 655-668 |
FLANAGAN, K., F., U.UYARRA, E., M.MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, "Reconceptualising the 'policy mix' for innovation", Research Policy, 2011, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 702-713 |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., "The development of Technology Infrastructure in Portugal and the Need to Pull Innovation Using Proactive Intermediation Policies", Technovation, 2009, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 23-34 |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., U.UYARRA, E., F.FLANAGAN, K., "Policies for Science, Technology and Innovation: Translating Rationales into Regional Policies in a Multi-level setting", Research Policy, 2008, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 823-825 |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., "A Inovação que não passa pela I&D: Sugestões para uma política de Inovação Tecnológica Centrada na Procura", Análise Social, 2005, vol. XI/1175, pp. 319-343 |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., "Innovation Systems as regional policy frameworks: the case of Lisbon and Tagus Valley", SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY, 2004, vol. 31/4, pp. 313-327 |
NEVES, A., ZORRINHO, C., M.MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, GRILO, R., A Economia do Conhecimento e a Realidade Portuguesa. Livro da Colecção Economia do Conhecimento, Principia - Publicações Universitárias e Científicas, Estoril, Portugal, 2009 |
MANUEL LARANJA, M., D., "How Rationales, actors and multi-level governance relate to policy mix in Science and Innovation", in Monteiro, S. and Carayannis, E., THE QUADRUPLE INNOVATION HELIX NEXUS: Smart Growth Model, Quantitative Empirical Validation in OECD countries Eds, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016 |
MANUEL LARANJA, M., D., "Industrial resilience: reframing the role of innovation policies for regional development" in Innovation Management in Research and Industry., in Carolina Machado and J. Paulo Davim Ed., De Gruyter, chap. 4, 2015 |
A. TEIXEIRA, A., M.MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, "Internacionalisation of High Technology Small firms" in New Technology Based Firms in the New Millenium., During W., Oakey R. and Kauser, S. : Eds, Elsevier, pp. 335-346, 2004 |
MANUEL LARANJA, M., D., J.FRIAR, A.COLE, "The Policy Relevance of Measuring Diversity of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems" 2016 Annual Conference of the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI). 2016 Coauthorspresented |
MANUEL LARANJA, M., D., N.BOAVIDA, A.MONIZ, "Towards an assessment of the Portuguese e-mobility case - The Mobi-E" 1st European TA conference "TA in policy areas of great transitions". 2014, PACITA project, Prague, Czech Republic Coauthorspresented |
BOAVIDA, N., A.MONIZ, M., D.MANUEL LARANJA, "The relevance of indicators in technology decisions" 2013 |
MANUEL LARANJA, M., D., N.BOAVIDA, "The use of indicators and evidence in governance and policy development of Science, Technology and Innovation" 2012, Karlsruhe |
UYARRA, E, FLANAGAN, K, M.MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, "Innovation policy complexity: actors, action and interaction" Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. 2011, Atlanta, USA |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., "Networked Governance of Innovation Policies: the Technological Plan in Portugal" Tentative Governance in Emerging Science and Technology. 2010, Enschede, Netherlands |
FLANAGAN, K., UYARRA, E., M.MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, "Opening the policy black box: understanding innovation policy mixes in multi-level, multi-actor spaces" Tentative Governance in Emerging Science and Technology. 2010, Enschede, Netherlands |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., "The Changing Dynamics of Regional Innovation: Challenges for Policy" CPMR-Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions. 2008, Lisboa, Portugal |
MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, M., "Pulling innovation in the Portuguese enterprise sector: The role of public technological infrastructures" 1st International Seminar on Regional Innovation Policies. 2007, Porto, Portugal |
MANUEL LARANJA, M., D., &quot;Ideas, concepts, evidence ?and instruments. ?Understanding policies and governance for Science, Technology and Innovation?&quot; <style isItalic="true">University of Manchester - Manchester Institute of Innovation Research</style>. 2013, Manchester |
FLANAGN, K, K. UYARRA, M.MANUEL DUARTE MENDES MONTEIRO LARANJA, "The 'policy mix' for innovation: rethinking innovation policy in a multi-level, multi-actor context", Manchester Business School, Working Paper, Number 599 available:, 2010 |