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    Articles in refereed Journals:

    "Networks and firm location", Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming (available online as DOI 10.1007/s00168-007-0131-9)

    "A non-monotonic relationship between FDI and trade", Economics Letters, 95, 2007, pp.369-373.
    "Location of vertically-linked oligopolists", Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, July 2006, volume 18 No 2 (in collaboration with André B. S. Rocha)

    "A note on agglomeration and the location of multinational firms", Papers in Regional Science, 2005, volume 84 no 3, pp. 509-518 (in collaboration with John B. Parr).

    "Agglomeration in a vertically-related oligopoly", Portuguese Economic Journal, volume 4, 2005, pp. 157-169.

    "Intermediate goods and the location of productive activity", Annals of Regional Science, volume 39 no 1, 2005, pp. 11-24.

    "A theory of the relationship between foreign direct investment and trade", Economics Bulletin, Vol. 6 no 2, 2004, pp.1-8 (in ).

    "Industrial clusters and peripheral areas", Environment and Planning A, volume 35, 2003, pp. 2053-2068.

    "Sources of regional convergence: theory and european evidence", Notas Económicas, No 16, Novembro de 2002, pp. 6-15.

    "Exchange of intermediate goods and the agglomeration of firms", Economics Bulletin, Vol.3 no 27, 2002, pp. 1-7.(in )

    "Location of foreign direct investment in a regional integration area", Economics Bulletin, vol. 18 no 5, 2001, pp.1-9.(in )

    "Location of the productive activity in Portugal and Spain: A research note", GeoInova, no 3, 2001, pp.201-209.

    "Central places and development: an economic appraisal of the portuguese regional decentralisation", Estudos de Economia, vol.XVI-XVII, no3, Verão 1997, pp.301-310

    "Retórica e comunicação para economistas", Notas Económicas, n 8, Abril 1997, pp.67-79. (in Portuguese)

    "Transport and asymmetries in spatial competition", Estudos de Economia, vol. XVI-XVII no1, Inverno 1997, pp.5-22.

    "Locational choice in a duocentric urban system", Notas Económicas, no 5, Maio de 1995, pp. 36-45 (with Vitor Santos).

    "Spatial quality competition", Estudos de Economia, vol.XIV no 3, Abril-Junho 1994, pp. 231-250.

    "Competitive vertical integration", Estudos de Economia, vol XIV no 1, Outubro-Dezembro 1993, pp. 3-13.

    "Division of labor and economies of agglomeration", Estudos de Economia, vol XII no 2, Janeiro-Março 1992, pp.123-132.

    "Stackelberg warfare and the theory of games", Economia (Portuguese Catholic University), vol.XIV no 3, Outubro 1990, pp.425-433.

    "Uma teoria da semi-industrialização", Estudos de Economia, vol. X no 3, Outubro 1990, pp. 425-433. (in Portuguese)

    "Spatial competition under uniform delivered pricing", Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol.17, 1987, pp.441-449 (with André de Palma and Jacques-Thisse).

    "Equilíbrio de mercado e óptimo numa economia espacial", Estudos de Economia, vol.VII no1, Outubro-Dezembro 1986, pp.17-26. (in Portuguese)

    "Tecnologia e especialização industrial na adesão à CEE", Análise Social, vol.XVIII no70, Janeiro a Março 1982, pp.215-229. (in Portuguese)

    "O têxtil e a inserção internacional da economia portuguesa", Economia e Socialismo, ano IV, no 43, Outubro 1979, pp.37-49 (with Nicolau Santos) (in Portuguese)

    Chapters in book:
    "Vertical integration in a common market" in Ensaios de Homenagem a Francisco Pereira de Moura, João Ferreira do Amaral and others (organizers), Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão/Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1995, pp.317-328.

    "Existence of price equilibrium in Hotelling's model with non-uniform customer distribution" in Ensaios de Homenagem a Manuel Jacinto Nunes, João F. do Amaral e outros (organizers), Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1996, pp.153-164.

    "Concorrência espacial" in Compêndio de Economia Regional, Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional, 2002 (in Portuguese).

    "A Nova Geografia Económica" in Compêndio de Economia Regional,Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional, 2002 (with Regina Salvador) (in Portuguese).

    "Transportes e organização do espaço em Portugal: uma visão retrospectiva" in Ensaios de Homenagem a António Simões Lopes, Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2006 (in Portuguese).

    Economia do Espaço e do Transporte, Lisboa, Editorial Vulgata, 2001 (208 pages) (in Portuguese).