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Publicações em revistas internacionais com arbitragem Link
Recorrências, Progressões Aritméticas e Teoria Ergódica: Teoremas de van der Warden e de Green-Tao, J. Buescu and T. Peixe, Revista Matemática Universitária, 48/49, 39-51 (2010).
Rank of Stably Dissipative Graphs, P. Duarte and T. Peixe, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 437, 2537-2586 (2012).
Conservative and Dissipative Polymatrix Replicators, H. Alishah, P. Duarte and T. Peixe, Journal of Dynamics and Games, 2, 157-185 (2015).
Asymptotic Poincaré Maps along the edges of Polytopes, H. Alishah, P. Duarte and T. Peixe, Nonlinearity, 33, 469-510, (2020).
Permanence in polymatrix replicators, T. Peixe, Journal of Dynamics and Games, published online, November, (2020).
- Periodic attractor in the discrete time best-response dynamics of the Rock-Paper-Scissors game, J. P. Gaivão and T. Peixe, Dynamic Games and Applications, published online, November, (2020).
- Asymptotic Dynamics of Hamiltonian Polymatrix Replicators, H. Alishah, P. Duarte and T. Peixe, preprint, February, (2021).
- Persistent strange attractors in 3D Polymatrix Replicators, T. Peixe and A. A. Rodrigues, submitted, March, 2021.
- On the Roots of Underdevelopment: "Wrong Equilibrium" or "Miscoordination"?, José P. Pontes and T. Peixe, submitted, July, (2021).