RINO VIEIRA, PEDRO E PICOTO, WINNIE NG (2011), capítulo "Latent Variable Models" in "The SAGE Dictionary of Quantitative Management Research" (ISBN 978-1412935203), ed. SAGE.
RAMIRES, DIOGO e PICOTO, WINNIE NG (2015), capítulo "O Impacto do M-business nas Organizações - Análise aos Impactos do M-Business ao Nível Individual" in 4ª Edição Livro Relações Brasil Portugal - Internacionalização de Empresas sobre "Inovação, Conhecimento e Tecnologia - uma perspetiva luso-brasileira". Lisboa, Edições Colibri, pp. 95-120.
PINTO, I and PICOTO, W N, (aceite para publicação), “Cultural impact on mobile banking use – a multi-method approach”, Journal of Business Research.
PICOTO, W N, CRESPO, N and KHAN, F, (aceite para publicação), "The influence of technology-organization-environment framework and strategic orientation of cloud computing use, enterprise mobility, and performance", Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios
FONSECA, P and PICOTO, W N (2020) “The Competencies Needed for Digital Transformation” Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 8(2), p.53-70
CARVALHO, D, PICOTO, W N and BUSCH, P (aceite para publicação) “Organizational Experience of Social Media: Impacts on Competitive Intelligence” VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
PEDRON, C, CORNETO, E and PICOTO, W N (aceite para publicação) “Customer Relationship Management and Innovation Capability: A Multiple Case Study”, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
CURTH, M, PICOTO, W N, GARCIA, A and NETO, ANA. (2020) “Confiança em compras on-line: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Marketing”, Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 19, p. 237-260
DHILLON, G, TALIB, Y Y A, and PICOTO, W N (2020) “The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment in Information Security Compliance Intention”, Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 21(1)
MARTINS, A and PICOTO, W N (2019) “Tax Compliance as a Driver for Adopting Information Technologies – Effect on competencies development and on competitive advantages” Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 22(1), p. 1-19
PICOTO, W N, DUARTE, R, and PINTO, I (2019) “Uncovering top-ranking factors for mobile apps through a multimethod approach”, Journal of Business Research, 101, pp. 668-674
PINTO, I and PICOTO, W N, (2018) "Earnings and capital management in European banks – Combining a multivariate regression with a qualitative comparative analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 89, pp. 258-264
ARAUJO, C, PEDRON, C and PICOTO, W N (2018) “What’s Behind CRM Research? A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications in the CRM Research Field” Journal of Relationship Marketing, 17 (1), pp. 29-51
PEDRON, C, PICOTO, W N, COLACO, M and ARAUJO, C (2018) “CRM System: The Role of Dynamic Capabilities on Innovation Creation" Brazilian Business Review, 15(5), pp. 494-511
PICOTO, W.N. e HENRIQUES, R. (2018) "Continente Online: Building a Success Story in the Food Retail Business", SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals
PINTO, I e PICOTO, W.N. (2016) "Professional Ethics and Governance: Understanding Appraiser Independence", International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics.
PINTO, I. e PICOTO, W.N. (2016) "Configurational Analysis of Firms' Performance: Understanding the Role of Internet Financial Reporting", Journal of Business Research, 69 (11), 5360-5365.PEDRON, C D, PICOTO, W.N., DHILLON, G e CALDEIRA, M (2016). "Defining Objectives for Customer Relationship Management System Adoption", Industrial Management and Data Systems, 116(3), 526-54PICOTO W.N., BÉLANGER F e PALMA-DOS-REIS A (2014). An Organizational Perspective on M-Business: Usage Factors and Value Determination, European Journal of Information Systems, 23 (5), 571-592.
PICOTO W.N., BÉLANGER F e PALMA-DOS-REIS A (2014). A technology-organization-environment (TOE)-based m-business value instrument, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 12(1).
SANTOS, D e PICOTO, W.N. (2013) "Integrating Social Media Tools in a Web Portal. Portuguese Journal of Management Studies, 18 (1), 9-29.
PICOTO W.N., BÉLANGER F e PALMA-DOS-REIS A (2013). M-Business Organizational Benefits and Value: A Qualitative Study, Journal of Organization Computing and Electronic Commerce, 23(4), 1-38.
PERDIGOTO, M e PICOTO, W.N. (2012). "Analysing Intention and Action in Mobile Banking", Portuguese Journal of Management Studies, 17(2), 133-152.
PICOTO, W N and PINTO, I (2020), “Cultural impact on mobile banking use – a multi-method approach”, ACIEK, Virtual Conference.
FONSECA, P and PICOTO, W N (2020), “The Competencies Needed for Digital Transformation, Knowledge Management 2020, Virtual Conference, Best Student Paper Award.
ORITOGUN, K, BUSCH, P and PICOTO, W N (2018), “Effectiveness of Social Media for KM Tools in SMEs", International Business Information Management Conference (32nd IBIMA) Sevilha, Espanha.
LIANG, D, BUSCH, P and PICOTO, W N (2018), “A Method for Preservation of Privacy in Data Mining Processes”, International Business Information Management Conference (32nd IBIMA), Sevilha, Espanha.
ARAÚJO, C, PEDRON, C and PICOTO, W N (2018) “The Relationship Between CRM and Innovation Capability - The Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities”, ENANPAD 2018, Curitiba, Brasil.
PICOTO, W N, DUARTE, R and PINTO, I (2018), “Uncovering Mobile App Top-Ranking Factors through a multimethod approach”, GIKA 2018, Valencia, Espanha.
CURTH, M, MATOS, C and PICOTO, W N (2018) “Antecedentes e mediadores da Intenção de compra: um estudo sobre a identidade social de integrantes de Comunidades Mobile” SEMEAD 2018 XXI Seminário em Administração, São Paulo, Brasil.
CURTH, M, MATOS, C and PICOTO, W N (2018) “Antecedentes da Intenção de Compra de Participantes de Comunidades Mobile”, EMA VIII Encontro de Marketing da ENAMPAD, Porto Alegre, Brasil.
CURTH, M, MATOS, C and PICOTO, W N (2017) “Antecedentes da Intenção de Compra de Participantes de Comunidades Mobile”, IBERCOM 2017, Lisboa, Portugal.
PINTO, I and PICOTO, W N (2017), “Earnings and capital management in European banks – Combining a multivariate regression with a qualitative comparative analysis”, GIKA 2017, Lisboa, Portugal.
MARTINS, P, PICOTO, W N and BELANGER, F (2016), "IS Continuance, Team Ambidexterity, and Team Performance: A Multilevel Approach" aceite para apresentação na ICIS 2016, Dublin, Irlanda.
ARAUJO, C, PEDRON, C and PICOTO, W N (2016), “Using Bibliometric Analysis to Identify and Categorize the Most Used References in Customer Relationship Management Research Field”, ENANPAD, Bahia, Brasil.
COLAÇO, M, PEDRON, C, PICOTO, W N and ARAÚJO, C (2016), “Using CRM Systems to Develop Innovation Through Dynamic Capabilities: A Conceptual Model”, ENANPAD, Bahia, Brasil.
DUARTE, R and PICOTO, W N (2016), “Applying Configurational Theory to Understand Mobile App Success”, European Conference of Information Systems, ECIS 2016, Istambul, Turquia.
SILVA, R DHILLON, G and PICOTO, W N (2016), “Competence-Based model for Securing the Internet of Things”, European Conference of Information Systems, ECIS 2016, Istambul, Turquia.
PINTO, I and PICOTO, W N (2016), “Configurational Analysis of Firm Performance: Understanding the Role of Internet Financial Reporting”, GIKA 2016, março 2016, Valência, Espanha.
RIBEIRO, D, PICOTO, W N and GONÇALVES, P (2015) “O impacto da utilização de RFID: Um estudo de caso numa empresa de manutenção e engenharia”, 15ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação – CAPSI-2015, Lisboa, Portugal.
FERRETI, R, PEDRON, C and PICOTO, W N (2014) “Satisfação do Usuário com Sistemas de Informação: um Estudo no Contexto da Administração Pública Brasileira”, XXXVIII ENANPAD 2014, Rio de Janeiro, setembro, 2014.
FAUSTINO, V and PICOTO, W N (2014) “Understanding Value Co-Creation in a Mobile Ecosystem – A Case Study”, 10th International Conference on Mobile Business, Londres, junho 2014.
PICOTO, W N, BELANGER, F and PALMA DOS REIS, A (2012), "Leveraging on m-business to enhance organizational performance", ECIS 2012, Barcelona, maio 2012.
CHAVES, M R and PICOTO, W N (2012), "A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation", ICSOFT 2012, INSTICC, Roma, julho 2012.
PICOTO, W N, PALMA-DOS-REIS, A and BÉLANGER, F (2010) “How does mobile business create value for firms?”, ICMB/ GMR 2010, Atenas, junho 2010.
PICOTO, W N and PALMA-DOS-REIS, A (2007) “Finding e-commerce strategy for businesses – an empirical study”, ICESAL 2007, Corfu, julho 2007.
PICOTO, W N and PALMA-DOS-REIS, A (2007) “Analyzing competitive strategy drivers to define e-commerce implementation stage”, 7ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, Aveiro, janeiro 2007.
DHILLON, G and PICOTO, W N (2019) “On the Administrative Information Security: definition and impact on Security Governance” ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - IFIP SEC 2019, Lisboa, 2019
PICOTO, W N, CRESPO, N and KAHN, F (2014) “Cloud Computing Usage and Organizational Mobility – An Empirical Assessment”, 10th International Conference on Mobile Business, Londres, Junho 2014.
PEDRON, C, PICOTO, W N and MARTINS, D (2013) "Factors that influence the success of customer relationship management”, track Management Decision, 3rd INBAM Conference, Lisboa 17-19 Junho 2013.
SANTOS, D and PICOTO, W N (2013) “Integrating Social Media Tools in a Portal: A Case Study", track Service Business, 3rd INBAM Conference, Lisboa 17-19 Junho 2013.
PERDIGOTO, M and PICOTO, W N (2012), "An empirical study of m-banking usage in Portugal", CISTM 2012, Lisboa.
PICOTO, W N and PALMA-DOS-REIS, A (2007) “Finding How far should your e-commerce investment go?”, Web2007 – pre-ICIS workshop, Montreal, Dezembro 2007.
PEDRON, C, GOH, J, JUNIOR, J. PICOTO, W N and MOLLING, G (2019), Líderes do Tema 07 – Transformação Digital, na Enampad 2019, São Paulo, Brasil.
CARVALHO, J., KIERAN, C., DONNELLAN, B., GOKHAN, O. and PICOTO, W N (2016) “The Revised MSIS Curriculum: A Gateway between the Old and the New”, ECIS 2016, Istambul, Turquia.