Seminários 2017
Seminars 2017
Seminários ED CEsA/CSG/ISEG - ULisboa/Development Studies Seminars
- Edição/Edition 2017
23rd February - 12nd July 2017 @AMPHITHEATER 1, ISEG - ULisboa
Seminário |
23 FEV 201718h-20hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG |
Carlos Castel-Branco |
Political Economy and Natural Resources: The 'Curse' is in the Approach |
02 MAR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Carlos Azevedo |
Impact Economy: A Challenge from Portugal to the World |
Instituto de Empreendedorismo Social |
09 MAR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Mário Vale |
A Sympathetic Critique on the Theory, Practice and Politics of the Resilient City |
16 MAR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Pedro Amakasu Raposo |
The Importance of 'Abenomics' for Japan's Political, Security and Development Challenges Ahead |
CEsA /CSG/ ISEG-ULisboa |
23 MAR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Carlos Farinha |
Portugal: The Impacts of the Austerity Measures on Inequality and Poverty (2010-2014) |
ISEG-ULisboa |
30 MAR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Catherine Boone |
Regional Inequality and Preferences for Market-Promoting Land Law Reform in African Countries |
31 MAR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
João Mosca |
Penetração do capital, pobreza, desigualdades e conflitos no meio rural: o caso de Moçambique |
06 ABR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Ricardo Sousa |
Genealogy of Behavioralist Peace Research |
Observare, UAL |
07 ABR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Manuel Branco |
Human Rights Approach to Natural Resources and Development |
Universidade de Évora |
20 ABR 201718h-20hANF. 1 , Quelhas, ISEG |
Emma Mawdsley |
A New Era for South-South Cooperation? |
University of Cambridge |
26-27 ABR 2017* |
Wim Naudé |
Spring Module - Entrepreneurs for Smart Manufacturing. Guidelines for a New Era in Industrial Policy |
Maastricht School of Management |
04 MAI 201718h-20hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG
Daniel Carolo
A influência da cooperação portuguesa (e outras) na construção do sistema de protecção social de Timor-Leste * |
PP - Institute of Public Policy Thomas Jefferson/ISEG-ULisboaUniv. Cape Town |
05 MAI 201718h-20hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG
Wendy W. Wolford
From Mosquitos to Marx: State-Society Dynamics in Contemporary Brazilian Land Reform |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Cornell University |
11 MAI 201718-20h
12 MAI 201718-20h
13 MAI 201710-12hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG |
Jeanne Penvenne |
Spring Module - Seeking Gendered Perspectives
session 1-Seeking Gendered Perspectives: Matimu & I Khale session 2-The Order in Disorder: The Problem with Seeing like State session 3-The Challenges of Writing Womenm Migration and the Cashew Economy of Southern Mozambique (1945-1975) |
Africana Studies - Tufts University |
18 MAI 201718h-20hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG |
Walter Kennes |
Deforestation and Climate Change, as Linked to EU Policy |
EU |
19 MAI 201718h-20hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG |
Kirsti Stuvöy |
Everyday Security and the City |
Department of International Environment and Development, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU |
25-26-27 MAI 2017*10h-12h |
Ana Maria Sampaio |
Spring Module - Uma introdução aos modelos de equações estruturais: aplicações a Estudos de Desenvolvimento (SEM) |
Universidade de Évora |
30 MAI 201718h-20hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG |
Daniel Bach |
Cross-Border Interactions and Regionalism Processes in Africa: Methodological Approach
CEsA/Sciences Po Bordeaux, CNRS |
01 JUN 201718h-20hANF. 1, Quelhas, ISEG
Daniel Bach |
The Nigerian Federal System: Policies and Politics |
CEsA/Sciences Po Bordeaux, CNRS |
05-07 JUN 2017ANF. 22 |
Ben Fine |
Summer School - Whither Economics? Critical Reflections on Microeconomics and Macroeconomics |
04-06 JUL 2017ANF. 22 |
Carlota Perez |
Summer School - Technological Revolution and their Socio-economic Implications |
10-12 JUL 2017ANF. 22 |
António Silva |
Summer School - Policy School - Applying Behavioural Economics in a Policy Context |
Think Tank, Behavioural Insight Unit |