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em Ciências Actuariais

GonÇalo Nuno Henriques Mendes
Risk Margin in Solvency II: SCR Projection in Life Insurance
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JoÃo Miguel Almeida Da Cruz
Influence of external factors and forecast on the consumption of medical health insurance
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Mariana FrazÃo Lopes
Long-term Impact of Climate Change on Mortality - a Study for Portugal
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Mariana IrinÉo Godinho
The impact of climate change on life insurance premiums: a panel data analysis of EU countries
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Bernardo Maria Lopes Pimenta
Allocation of Operational Costs under Transition to IFRS 17 - a Practical Approach
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Alan Guilherme Pinheiro
Adjustment of Mortality Tables in Workers' Compensation Insurance (A Case Study)
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