Economia Internacional (1 º Sem 2013/2014)

EIEE (Economia Internacional e Estudos Europeus)

Fragmentação da Produção (Fragmentation of Production), Outsourcing e Offshoring Link

    • Faustino and Leitão (2011) (Faustino&Leitao(2011)Fragmentation in the Automobile Manufacturing Industry.Evidence from Portugal.pdf, 98KB)
    • Amador and Cabral (2008) (Amador, J. and S. Cabral (2008) International Fragmentation of Production in the Portuguese Economy.What do Different Measures Tell Us. Banco de Portugal.pdf, 877KB)
    • Ambroziak (2011) (Ambroziak, Lukasz (2011). The Intra-Industry Trade of the Visegrad Countries. The Case of Automotive Industry. Warsaw Achool of Economics. WP.pdf, 181KB)
    • Baldwin and Robert-Nicoud (2007) (Baldwin &Robert-Nicoud(2007) Offshoring. General Equilibrium Effects on Wages, Production and Trade,NBER WP.pdf, 268KB)
    • Ethier (2005) (Ethier (2005)Globalization, globalisation.Trade, technology, and wages.pdf, 186KB)
    • Kierzkowski and Chen (2010) (H. Kierzkowski & L. Chen (2010) Outsourcing and Trade Imbalances. The United States-China  Case.pdf, 194KB)
    • Jones&Kierzkowski & Lurong (2005) (Jones&Kierzkowski&Lurong (2005)Wat does evidence tell us about fragmentation and outsourcing.pdf, 130KB)
    • Jones and Kierzkowski (2003) (Jones-Kierzkowski (2003) International Trade and Agglomeration....pdf, 129KB)
    • Almodovar & Teixeira (2013) (Almodovar & Teixeira(2013) Assessing the Importance of Local Supporting Organizations in the Automotive Industry... European Planning Studies.pdf, 927KB)