Economia Internacional (1 º Sem 2014/2015)

EIEE (Economia Internacional e Estudos Europeus)

Investimento Directo Estrangeiro e Globalização Link

    • Campos (2010) (Campos, Carla M. (2010) Determinantes do IDE. Uma aplicacao a industria ceramica portuguesa. Tese de Mestrado. Universidade de Aveiro.pdf, 1,7MB)
    • Cresp&Proença&Fontoura(2011) (Crespo & Proenca& Fontoura (2011)The Spatial Dimensions in FDI Spillovers. Evidence at the Regional Level from Portugal.pdf, 353KB)
    • Silva (2006) (Silva, J.R.(2006)Investimento Directo Estrangeiro.pdf, 471KB)
    • Yoshida&Leitão&Faustino (2009) (Yoshida, Y.& N. C.Leitao & H.C. Faustino (2009) Vertical Intra-Industry Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Between Japan...l.pdf, 208KB)
    • Severiano (2011) (Severiano, Andreia (2011) The Determinants od FDI in Portugal. A Sectoral Approach. Dissertation. Master of Science in Economics. Universidade Catolica.pdf, 1,3MB)
    • Leitão & Faustino (2010) (Leitao, N. C. & H.C. Faustino (2010) Portuguese FD Inflows...IRJFE.pdf, 56KB)
    • Gorgh & Greenaway (2001) (Gorg, H. & Greenaway, D. (2001) Foreign Direct Investment and Intra-Industry Spillovers. A Review of Literature. Leverhulme Centre, Research Paper.pdf, 501KB)
    • Dreher (2006) (Dreher, A. (2006) Does Globalization Affect Growth.pdf, 180KB)