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Conferências Académicas

2018, Tiago, F.G.B.T; Veríssimo, J.M.C.; Tiago, M.T.B.; & Silva, Tiago. Online Janusian brand personality: How much do clients and hoteliers converge? 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tóquio, Japão, 26 a 29 de Julho.


2018, Tiago, F.G.B.T; Silva, Tiago; Tiago, M.T.B.; & Veríssimo, J.M.C.. Social Media in Tourism: Are hotel brands cocreated? 27 th Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) Annual Research Conference, Department of Tourism & Hospitality, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, Reino Unido,  22 a 25 de Maio.


2017, Tiago, M.T.B.; Tiago, F.G.B.T; Veríssimo, J.M.C.; & Costa, S.G.. Can Food Leverage Destination Branding? Poster apresentado na 4 th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality: Innovation, Partnerships and Sharing, Orlando, UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management, Orlando, Florida, EUA, 8 a 11 de Dezembro. (Best Poster Award)


2017, Veríssimo, J.M.C.. Usage intensity of mobile medical apps: A tale of two methods. 7 th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) 2017, Innovation, Knowledge, Judgment, and Decision-Making as Virtuous Cycles. Track: "Quantitative and Qualitative Comparative Analysis in business", Lisboa, 28 a 30 Junho, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa (Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-84-9152-227-0).


2017, Tiago, F.G.B.T; Veríssimo, J.M.C.; Costa, S.G.; & Tiago, M.T.B.. O papel da gastronomia na marca do destino turístico. Artigo aceite para apresentação e publicação nos Proceedings da Conferência INVITUR 2017 com o lema "Cocriar o Futuro do Turismo", Aveiro, 17 a 19 Maio, Universidade de Aveiro.


2016, Leite, R.C. & Veríssimo, J.M.C.. Loyalty on the Radio? Antecedents and Consequences. Poster apresentado na 6 th ECREA - European Communication Conference (ECC), Praga, República Checa, 9 a 12 November.


2016, Veríssimo, J.M.C., Tiago, M.T.B., Tiago, F.G., & Jardim, J.S.. Tourism destination brand dimensions: An exploratory approach. Artigo apresentado e publicado nos Proceedings da 5 th TMS Algarve 2016 - Tourism & Management Studies International Conference, Track: "General Papers", Olhão, Portugal, 16 a 19 Novembro, School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism, University of the Algarve (ISBN: 978-989-8472-93-9) (Excellence Paper Award).


2016, 6 th  Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), Track: "Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Crisp and Fuzzy Sets, in knowledge and innovation"", Valencia, Espanha, 20 a 23 Março, Universidade de Valencia.


2013, 3  rd Conference of  the International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM), Track: "Business and the Social Media", Lisboa, Portugal, 17 a 19 de Junho, ISEG, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.


2011, 19  th Conference of the  European Association for Sport Management, "Commitment in Sport Management", Madrid, Espanha,7 a 10 de Setembro.


2010, 12  th Global  International Leadership Association Conference, "Leadership 2.0: Time For Action," Boston, EUA, 27 a 30 Outubro.