Economia Internacional (1 º Sem 2014/2015)

EIEE (Economia Internacional e Estudos Europeus)

Comércio e Custos de Ajustamento no Mercado do Trabalho Link

    • Faustino & Leitão (2012) (Faustino and Leitao (2012) Portuguese IIT and Labor Market Adjustment Costs. The SAH Again. APE.pdf, 124KB)
    • Raseki & Ghaderi (2012) (Raseki,S. & Ghaderi, S (2012) Marginal Intra-Industry Trade and Employment Reallocation. The Case Study of Iran s Manufacturing Industries..pdf, 187KB)
    • Zeddies (2010) (Zeddies, Gotz (2010) International Trade Pattern and Labor Markets. An Empirical Analysis for EU Member States..pdf, 422KB)
    • Cabral & Silva (2006) (Cabral and Silva (2006) IIT Expansion and Employment Reallocation....pdf, 328KB)
    • Brulhart & Elliott & Lindley (2006) (Brulhart & Elliot&Lindley (2006) IIT and Labour-Market Adjustment....pdf, 339KB)