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em Management

Ricardo Alexandre Pereira De AraÚjo Lopes
The Role of CRM's Technology to Improve Alumni Relationships: The Case of ISEG
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Vanilson JoÃo Fernando Baptista Maiala
TIDAL's business strategy
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Daniel Alexandre Tavares Da Silva
Ensuring Operational and Logistics Excellence for the New ISEG Merchandising Store: A Consulting Project
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Sara Filipa Valente SimÃo
Performance evaluation and management in SMEs
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JoÃo Maria Ravasco Mendes Lopo Tuna
Business Plan: Seixo Farmhouse
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JoÃo Miguel Henriques De Freitas
Samadhi Coaching Business Plan
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AndrÉ Isaac Sobral Ahmad
Defining the Most Wanted Product Portfolio of the New ISEG Merchandising Store: A Consulting Project
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Bernardo Sequeira VarejÃo Nobre Varela
Designing the Digital Presence of the New ISEG Merchanding Store: A Consulting Project
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Fernando GonÇalo Henriques Lopes
Communicating the New ISEG Merchandising Store and Portfolio for Success: A Consulting Project
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Rafaela Filipe Pereira Pacheco Severino
The contribution of Impression Share to the Search Ads Performance in United Kingdom and Ireland markets of Indie Camper
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Francisco Filipe Marques Vieira Gomes
Can General Motors surpass Tesla and be successful In the EV Market?
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Zina Skornova
The Sustainable Restaurant Azurmendi: A Business Case
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Beatriz Da Silva Moreno
Global Tribe's new product
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Lucas Faria Chaud
Enhanced information systems and data visualization: development of a tool for transparent and participatory water governance
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Mariana De Mascarenhas FalcÃo Quintas
Providing a Life-Cycle Assessment of Sustainable Materials for ETICS in Planbelas: A Consulting Project
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Rui Marques GonÇalves
Use of LinkedIn as a Promotional Tool and a Channel to Raise Awareness of SDGs in Planbelas: A Consulting Project
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David Zimanowski
Software Partner Ecosystems: The Case of SAP
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Catarina Cunha Marques
Rocket Farm Business Model
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